The morning after p2

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"Thanks Chloe!" Shouts beca as the red head walks towards the closet, Popsicle stick in hand.
"Hey, becs? What should I wear today?" She asked as she took multiple sucks of her Popsicle.
Chloe had always struggled with what to wear, wether it was to run errands or to go for dinner.
"Your so indecisive Chloe" Beca chuckles as she leans in for a kiss.
"Mmmmmm, pineapple" Chloe giggles as they pull away. "But seriously, what am I going to wear!"
"Well, we have rehearsal for worlds today so just put on some workout gear I guess" Beca explains.
"Wait how come I wasn't notified about this?"
"Didn't you get aubreys text?"
"No? Why wouldn't I get it?! Did she block my number, did I do som-"
"Babe, babe calm down. Atleast you know we have rehearsals" Beca explains "we'll go wake up the others and we'll start rehearsing. Aubrey booked a hall 10 minutes away from The hotel to finalise the routine"
"What time is it?"
"It's 10:34" Beca confirms as she licks her Popsicle.
"What time do we have the hall book until?"
"We have to leave there 3:30, sharp"
"We'll wake the rest of the girls up and give them until 11 to get ready?"
"Sure thing officer Chloe" the both laugh as they exit the hotel room.
hey guys,
HAPPY 2016 Y'ALL. I hope you all have an amazing new year and continue this year with all your resolutions.
With this story lately I've been running out of ideas and getting writers block quite frequently but I'll try as hard and as aften as I can to update my story along with one I'm writing right now called "The Butterfly Effect". it's a multi fandom based story with lgbt youtubers, lgbt ships in tv/movies etc.
I hope you all have a wonderful day,
Later suckers ✌🏽️

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