Packing for worlds

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*bechloe pov*
The two girls frantically packed their suitcase as quickly as possible for the worlds, which was suppose to be a week later but they quickly realised they needed a earlier flight.

"Chloe! where are my headphones?!?" Becca was very over protective about her dj equipment, even if it was just her headphones. Sure, she could of used a old pair of earbuds but becca doesn't roll that way. Once she has a curtain routine she rolls that way, so if she didn't have her proper headphones she wouldn't be able to continue making remixes. "I don't know bec, let me help you look" they looked in all the places they could ever think headphones could be
under pillows
in drawers
on the couch
bedside table
but after all that looking they still couldn't find her headphones. "what am I going to do? I don't have money to buy a new pair, they were so expensive!" Becca sat down and put her head in her hands as she started to think.
"it could be in suitcase already, maybe. in Chloe's suit case, maybe in my backpack?"
as soon as she thought of it being in her backpack, she sprinted over to Bedroom and frantically grabbed her backpack. she pulled all the items that were placed in there out.
makeup bag
and that's when she reached the bottom. after minutes of panic, she finally found her limited edition beats. "Whooohoooo! I FOUND THEM CHLOE I FOUND THEM!!" she sprinted over to Chloe's room in excitement and relief.

"I found them baby" she said calmed down lifting the headphones. Chloe grabbed becca waist and spun them around, which caused becca to drop the headphones on the floor. After the nausea Becca cupped the red heads face and kissed her deeply. Chloe's hands roamed every inch of the brunettes body eagerly.

*knock knock*

"Open up girlies! It's me and Stace" Two of the girls instantly knew it was Aubrey and Stacey, because who else would be with Stacey that wasn't a total stranger sagar for a one night stand.

"Be there in a minute" the two girls screamed out in unison. They both looked at each other and giggled.

*knock knock*

"Chloe, you know I'm really impatient OPEN UP!"
becca opens the door
"Jesus Aubrey, calm your tits. We're just finishing off packing, alright"
"Oh okay, can we come in?"
Before becca could answer, Aubrey and Stacey walked in tuning out every other thing in the world apart from each other. Chloe zipped up her suitcase and walked over to becca as she was talking to the two other love birds. "Well, we've finished packing. How about you two?" Chloe said as she put her arm around beccas neck, in exchange the brunette put her arm around her hip.

"Yeah, The rest of the bellas are waiting at the lobby for us with their suitcases."
"Alright then, we'll get our suitcases and start making our way down stairs"
"Alright lady's, we've called 5 cabs door all of us to get to the airport. Unfortunately this means we have to group up into pairs of 3"

"Dibs Chloe"
"Dibs Becca"

The two girls were very determined to be together, since Aubrey always splits them up in rehearsals every single time they happen to be together.

"Ok? Would anyone like to join the 'bechloe' cab?"
"I'll join the bloe cab" Said fat amy, everyone at this point expected a blow job joke from the Australian, but opportunity missed.

"Uhhh, Alright then. Once everyone is in groups, we'll sort out each group goes in which cab"

More than friends (bechloe/sendrick)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu