Private Catchup

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at rehearsals
Chloe's P•O•V
I'm struggling to learn the routine that Aubrey has suggested for worlds. Mainly for 2 reasons.

1) It's a very complicated routine
2) I can't stop looking/thinking about last night with becca

I have to talk to her about our "relationship". I don't even know if we're dating yet, I think we are....she confessed her feelings about me AND she topped me in bed. Even though I hate being bottom I still let her do it, but next time she does it I'm fli-

"Chlo, hello?!? EARTH TO CHLOE!" Chloe instantly tuned back in after realising she was daydreaming about her so called "relationship" with becca.
Nobody's POV
"We need to talk...NOW!" Chloe could obviously tell that Aubrey was mad and she was afraid of what was going to happen next. "Are you dating becca?"
" why" Aubrey could see straight through her lie
"Chloe, DONT LIE WITH ME,it's obvious that you and becca have started dating after you two hooked up last night"
"we're not dating! well....I don't know, we actually haven't made it official. we only confessed our feelings and hooked up, that doesn't count as dating Aubrey" Chloe was started to get frustrated with the argument that was rising with her and Aubrey.
"You can't date becca! I've told you this before!"
"why can't i, it's my love life and it has nothing to do with you!" screamed out Chloe, all of her emotions were bubbling inside of her and now she couldn't hold them in. She ran out of the gymnasium with smudged makeup and teary eyes. "Why the fuck would you do that Aubrey" shoots out becca before she makes a attempt to run in heels to find out what aubrey had said to her

oooo cliffhanger
I got a amazing idea to continue on this fanfiction by one of my friends
(alicedellxx )
so most things you will see in the next couple of chapters will be very different but relatable to the story.
Later suckers ✌️

More than friends (bechloe/sendrick)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora