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*After the flight*

"Alright bellas, WE'RE HERE!" Aubrey, unfortunately has trouble keeping her voice to a suitable range depending on the situation, this causes everyone near them to stare. The reason for this is mainly because she's very on point with everything, she has to know what is going on at that exact moment or later on, even though everyone would know.

"Ok girls, we have our hotel rooms booked. Does everyone know who they're staying with"
"yeah yeah, we know" Stacey groaned as she took another sip of her white chocolate mocha. She dreaded the idea of having the two girls she is romantically involved with in the same room with her. She can't help being attracted to someone and she for sure can't help that she flirts with them all the time.
"Jeez, Stace. Take a chill pill" Becca, being Stacey's best friend. It was her responsibility to calm her down if she was unable to herself.
"It's easy for you, your in a room with your fucking girlfriend!" Stacey retaliated.
At this point the other bellas, apart from becca and Chloe pull Stacey back from starting any fights.

"Hey Stace?" Emily knocked on the door even though it was her hotel room. She came in as Stacey started talking
"you don't need to knock on the door sweetie, your staying here anyway" Stacey chuckled.
"Alright I just came To put my suitcase here so im off" She so desperately tried to not flirt/touch but as the girl he was, she failed. She walked up and touched Emily's shoulder, as a sign of friendship. But this was something new for Stacey, she never had been friends with someone who she secretly liked. She usually just had sex with them and leave, she never had been in a serious relationship before. But the hardest decision is choosing between the two girls

Emily, the new girl
Aubrey the leader of the bellas

Most people would think that dating the leader of your accapella group wouldn't be so bad, but in reality it's probably the worst thing you could do for the following reasons.

*this part will be in Stacey's Pov*

1) If you break up with them....your screwed
2) if they break up with you, kiss your little solos goodbye
3) You can ruin a rehearsal just by being affectionate to your girlfriend
4) Everyone In the group basically knows what base your up to and how the relationships going without giving a single detail
5) your never gonna get privacy

The pros of Aubrey are very limited
. i know her, so I know what she likes and what she doesn't
. She's will be up to do anything im up to
. She's a damn good kisser, but not as good as me. No ones better than me

The perks of Emily
. I can experiment with new toys/activitys. I can finally try something new
. She's the perfect girl to go crazy with
. She will have more time to be with me
. I'll be saving her from the douchebags here at barden
. I can help her settle into barden with me as her girlfriend

This is going to take a while.....

hey babes 🍥
sorry that I haven't updated in a while, I'm back at school now so the infrequency will continue unfortunately.

Later suckers ✌️

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