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  First off - thank you to all that have put faith in me to give you a good read. I hope I've matched your expectations.

  This is the conclusion to my trilogy, but in no way the end of my decology.

  Carlos and Lincoln have a long road yet to travel, but Terri is a ghost that must be dealt with. Not just for Carlos and Linc, but for Terri as well.

  Please enjoy this finale; the first steps out of the closet for all.

  I URGE, if you have not already, to read books 1 (The Fairy Tale Prince), and 2 (First Sight), before reading This Is Me, as it's full of spoilers.

(Unless you wish for a "clean" novel, in which case just read this.  It's not explicit.)

  Both novels can be found here on Wattpad.  (#alarajackson)

  Now, please note this will be a SLOW release, unlike my previous books: one Episode a week.  No doubles. No extra's. ONE. Each Sunday from today.

  Without further ado....


Carlos : Giving away Ali has been rough, but seeing her happy makes it worth it. Losing Linc, after admitting my love, has killed me. Everything feels like acting - as if I'm a puppet to the tabloids and my parents' strings; dating beautiful women that mean nothing to me, and never will. Making deals, swaying bored businessmen, and expanding the Rickerts' hotel chain have been my sole focus. He haunts my nights, and fills my daydreams. I pushed too far. He left, and I've given up ever seeing him again. Until the gorgeous redhead next to him presents herself as Terri - the artist who's exhibit I'm viewing - and a whole new possibility arises. I'm done playing nice.
Lincoln : I'd been pushed out of his life by his father; forced to make a choice no one should have to make. Taken Mr. Rickerts' lead and tracked down Terri, the woman that had made that choice because of me. I even found her and cleared the air. But I left behind the love of my life, until he enters my shadows. Steals Terri; the two of them humiliating me in front of my face in what is supposed to be the best night of her life. A night she'd invited me to. Then headlines start rolling, and I'm left to wonder if Carlos and Terri have forgotten about me entirely; if I've lost my chance.
Terri : Imagine my surprise when the ex-love-of-my-life, Lincoln Denby, showed up after almost three years of static to get answers, and tell me about him and Carlos Rickerts. The man him and I used to joke about in bed after making love; reading something or other about him and Aliya Hawkins. Pictures do no justice to the real thing; gorgeous, powerful, poetry in motion. Did I mention gorgeous? A part of me is jealous Lincoln found him first; replaced me, with him. So when the tabloid God is pushing me against the wall and telling me not to kiss him at my 'grand opening' art show in Paris? I don't know what to do, except follow his order. I owe Lincoln the happiness I stole from him, and Mr. Rickerts thinks this is the best way to go about doing that; make him jealous. My feelings will have to be damned because one - I owe Lincoln. And two - it's obvious Mr. Rickerts isn't into women, though I'm woefully into him. Just like Lincoln. Just my luck.

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