Episode Nine

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*A Few Weeks Later*

I drown in that soprano.  Fall to that begging in his eyes as he stares at the camera.  Give over to the impromptu song-fest I know Terri so well for.  Listen again, like an addict that can’t stay away.  I’m caught up in that look I can’t help but remember; the kiss I still feel - taste - on my lips, despite my desire that it be boxed away.

I can’t persuade my fingers to delete it; refuse to respond.

Hate.  Them.  Both.

I know that it wasn’t Carlos that sent that email, but Terri.  Though what she was doing with his phone?  I don’t want to know.

I feel as if they’re just rubbing salt in my wound.

Little bitches.

Both of them.

The internet’s new ‘hot couple.’  And, 'This year’s most eligible bachelor claimed!’  Caught going here; coming out of there.  Laughing.  Quiet.  Mysterious.  So much worse than when The Bitch was around; active like bee’s in a hive.

Splashed.  Fucking.  Everywhere.

Of course the crew make sure not to talk about it in my presence.

However, one can’t help but notice the still in conversation whenever I show up; that slight pause before they begin to talk overly loud, as if it’s a competition.  Too obvious a cover-up.  No one willing to catch my eye.  I know I’d find pity there if they did, and for all the wrong reasons.

Nothing is the same.

Even Mel’s gone.  Maternity leave since she’d given birth to Lorelei Eloise Hamilton.  Her pride and joy.  I still haven’t visited the flat she now shares with Jerry, her fiance; Carlos’ personal assistant.

Rumors caught that, occasionally, Carlos is known to stop by to chat last-minute business.

Hence my hesitation.

That’s a gigantic train to nope’s-ville.

Imagine my surprise when I close out of my email and watch her stroll through the door as if called by magick, baby carrier hooked in her arm and smile wide across her lips.  Same hazel eyes and brunette hair, though in a much looser bun than I’m accustomed to.  Comfortable t-shirt with some random logo I don’t recognize; loose fitting jeans and sneakers.

If anything, she appears to have lost weight from her full figure since giving birth.  Then again, I’ve been gone for.  Too long.

Her voice a vibration to fill the silence with its joyous tone, “While I live and breathe.  Yur back.  And avoidin’ me.  So I decided ta come on down here ta welcome ya home, Boss.”

I get up and walk around my desk, where she places the carrier.  Wrap her in my arms for a hug before I turn and gaze down at.

The most adorable tiny human I’ve ever seen.

Hear myself whisper, “Oh my God, Mel.  She’s absolutely perfect.”  With her tiny pink hat, and her wrinkled little face, and miniature hands just outside of a soft beige blanket.  Looking up at me with a pair of wide, light brown eyes I know will own me from this day forward.

“She’s my lil Angel.”  Mel’s voice is soft as she gazes down at her child.  Hardens when she looks at me; face returning to its earlier agitation, “No crap.  Why have ya been avoidin’ me?  Me and Jer-Bear been waitin’ for ya ta come say hello ta lil Lore here.”

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