Episode Eleven

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*That Night*

"He what?!"

No way she said what I think she just said.


Terri repeats it.

"Lincoln said he'll give me an all day pass to 'the attic' when you return Zippers."

I'm already putting distance between us; shaking my head. Imagining life without that little bundle of love that sleeps between my legs at night and talks with me every morning and.


Firm; again, "No." I look up; meet her stare, "I'm not going to give up-"

But she cuts me off; guts me with the truth. Her eyes the shovel of anger as those oceans sweep me under, and her words keep me tethered in their weeds until I'm drowning in their reality.

"Mr. Rickerts, you do not get to decide that. Mostly because you can't possibly know what's best for Zipster's. Lincoln was heartbroken without him in Italy. Spent over a decade taking care of him with me; took him in when I abandoned them both. Only to come home to no cat and us stepping out behind his back?"

God, help me.

When she puts it like that I sound like a monster; reminds me again that when it comes to Lincoln, I am a bully.

Ali's voice - 'Obsession isn't love.'

I know what I have to do, though it goes against every instinct; desire of my own.

"Set up a day. Just know I'm going with you."

Terri attempts to argue.

But I have none of it. "That's my condition. Take it or leave it."

*Three Days Later*

I try not to notice it.

Little Shop of Horrors Audrey II, Linc style.

The rosebush that languishes over a stump at the end of the walkway, just at the bend towards the door to Lincoln's log cabin. Which is kept well hidden behind a hedge 'fence' and a long driveway. Built by his own hands; plans to Facebook meme.

I skirt the tentacles; enter Linc's house. So much different, except for that Hell's bush.

Eerily silent.

The open living/dining room shows no sign of life, despite the knick-knacks and shelves; cat tower just outside the front window where I knew it'd be, nestled in the corner.

No television playing in the background. No spices in the air as he cooks. No hint of Zippers, except in the carrier I hold, complaining up a storm.

And though I wait for him?

There's no Linc to round the corner of the hallway Terri conquers as if she owns the place.

Her destination: First door on the right. Up a pair of stairs I've never seen, hidden behind its barrier.

I ignore it; her. Pass it for the open door at the end of the hall. See the bed we once shared; tousled, like my life.

Fuck. I miss him.

I enter the room and take a deep breath; convince myself it's so I can put the carrier on the bed. Acclimate Zip to being returned to Linc; his smell.

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