Episode Five

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"Why would I choose to betray Lincoln like that?"


Finally making some fucking sense. Though why she didn't just tell that fucker no, I have no idea. Seems like a pretty easy fucking decision.

I don't care if they were only mashing faces. Terri should have fucking smacked him. Hard. Like she did me.

Okay; truth. I let her. We have rules well ingrained in my drunk memory.

I rub my hair-covered cheek.

Carlos Rickerts once again crashing into my world and deciding the way he wants things to go. Expects it. Manipulating those around him like so many chess pieces on a board. And now he's after Terri.

Smelling like heaven.

Looking like a God.

Sounding like an Angel.

Why couldn't he just stay the fuck away? I haven't forgotten about Mr. Rickerts' threats. Which makes his next sentence stroke the wrath inside.

"Perhaps he'll be able to come home, if I'm busy elsewhere."

"So you know your father was threatening him," Terri confirms what I think. Both of us waiting for his answer.

The sorrow in his voice isn't lost on me, "Eventually."

"Yet you stayed away," she points out.

I can't help but listen; wonder what he has to say about that.

The Bitch had shown up. And she hadn't done anything but exactly that - Bitch.

"It's complicated. Just know I'm not exactly... welcome... in Italy."

He's not exactly... what the fuck?!

"What does that mean?"

"There's nothing more I can tell you. Just accept I'd have gone, if I could have."

"Lincoln," rings out in her clear voice; causes me to tense up. "Would you like to weigh in?"

Raising my hand, I give them both a silent, one-fingered salute.

I've already stated my case. I think the idea of my ex-Lovers becoming the next Dorothy and Toto trotting the yellow brick road of the tabloids is a rotten fucking apple. No doubt the world will love it, making my position between them even fucking worse.


Not a fan.

Carlos releases that laugh that causes my heart to skip a beat.

Terri; "Looks like he gives his sign of approval."

"Stupid idea," I shout. Add with my drunken slur, "Wors' fuckin' idea ever."

I don't hear the next thing she says; strain my ears trying.

Barely catch his, "I promise."

Die when her voice rings out, clear as crystal, "Okay. I'm in."

I jump off the couch as if I've been ejected; turn and storm up to her. I glare up into her turbulent ocean eyes. "No. Not fuckin' doin' it, Terri."

She peers down at me, her smile falling. I barely catch a peripheral of Carlos moving with that ballet-esque grace across the floor; away from us. Terri doesn't break contact; calmly explains, "I am," as if that's it.

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