Episode Twelve

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*Weeks Later*

“I hope you know I’ll never get that painting done if you don’t leave me time to do it.”

Not to mention that my life in Italy is going stagnant with every day I spend here.  I’m grateful that my second-in-command has managed to step in at short notice, just as Dick had had to do for Lincoln when he came to me all those months ago.

I know how much I owe Lincoln, so I’m not worried for his sake.  I just feel that this tingling I get whenever I’m around Mr. Rickerts is less than fair; know I throw myself at him like a masochist to a sadist with every request I agree to.  No complaints, despite he’s made it clear he has less than zero interest in me.

Except when the camera’s are rolling.

Those are filled with possessive holds; soft kisses to my cheeks.


The two extreme’s keep me confused, and I hate him for it; frustrated because this dipstick doesn’t seem to get it.

I’m forced to skip another day in order to prepare myself as his arm candy for one of his mothers’ many functions.  As if being seen bringing him lunch every day of the week isn’t enough.


Maybe he does get it, because he quips back, “Its been weeks, and Mr. Rickerts doesn’t seem interested in either of us, or Linc.  I’d say that’s a huge success.”

“How can you be sure of that?”

I catch his smirk; swift glance in my direction as he maneuvers his car through traffic, “Because Linc would have fled were that the case.”

That doesn’t mean he’d know about it.  Which I’m about to point out when he reminds me, “And if that happens, I’m sure I can get it out of Jerry.”

“How would your assistant know?”

I see the guy every day when I bring the food.  Average height; weight.  Pasty white skin akin to Venus and blond hair he keeps up in some kind of gelled/hair sprayed 50‘s up-do.  Suits that fit his figure; light brown eyes.

Completely locked in the unspoken rules of company hierarchy; old-fashioned notions.  Obviously straight as an arrow, and barely old enough to be out of college.

No way Lincoln knows that guy.

Mr. Rickerts chuckles.  “You don’t know?”

Know what?

He fills me in.  Because no, I did not, “Jerry is Mel’s fiancé and child’s father.”  And before I can ask, confirms, “Linc’s assistant, Mel.  Don’t ask me how.  I’ve only seen the woman a few times since they moved in together, and.”  He pauses; ponders.  “She wasn’t at all what I expected.”

Amusement clear in his voice as he continues; fills the silence, though I’m already stunned.

Mel and that guy!?

“You can’t ever repeat this, because I’ll deny it.  But I honestly thought Jerry wasn’t in to anyone.  Men.  Women.  Like a robot.  He just.  Never even looked.”  He ends with astonishment, as if he truly can’t believe it.

I don’t blame him.

The Mel I remember is a middle-aged woman carrying more than her fair share of weight and years, though she wears it well.  Long dark hair; hazel eyes.  No nonsense attitude.  Free spirited.

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