Episode Nineteen

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That’s what I want; to spend every week like the one we’d just had, together.

Not anywhere close to what I need to do.  And it’s killing me.

Add to that the fact that she’s making things more difficult?

I remind myself to exude a calm I don’t feel.

“To continue as we have been until this fucking cow moves on.”  Because she can’t hold off forever.

I catch a sliver of a smile, “What’s the hold up?”

Going with honesty, I speak plainly, “Probably the fact that I won’t fuck her.”

Her mouth drops just a bit; eyes widen with shock.  “What?”

But I refuse to waver in my stare; vulgarity.  I repeat, “I won’t fuck her.  Besides not being my type, I’d never whore myself out for a piece of property.”

Then I fight the memories of the few times I had been sexual with people I’ve done business with.  The fact that I’d once attempted to do business with Linc before he’d emphatically shut me down.

Terri is incredulous; “And she expects you to?!”

I nod.  “Exactly.  And I’d have broken the Contract I’ve signed, except she has evidence of me and Linc, and she’s begun to threaten my father about releasing it.”  Remembering his words - don’t expect me to protect you - I continue without pause, “I can’t let that get out.  Not that I’d care, but Linc would.  He claims his business wouldn’t be able to survive the press.”

She bites her lower lip; lost in thought.  Then, “He’s probably right.  No one needs the press flocking a work site.  Especially considering some of the people he’s built for.  His reputation would be shot.”

I hate that sinking feeling in my chest.  Dread.

“So you understand how important this is for him.”

No avoiding the pain in her ocean eyes, “As long as he agrees to it?  Fine.  But I won’t hurt him any more than I already have.”


“And I won’t be staying here,” she adds a moment later.  “I’m sure Aliya will allow me to remain at her guest apartment so I can continue painting.  I will not be your tag-along, but I will allow you to escort me to the things that interest me.  These are my terms.”

I’ll take whatever I can get.


Looking around I notice again the pre-packed luggage.  Add, “Let me at least drop you off.  We can hash out when the best time to tell Linc is.”

“We?”  Skeptical.

“We.”  Firm.


I’m grateful she seems to be done arguing with me.

Because I’ll go to any lengths to protect my Linc.

*Two Days Later*

I’m terrified.

There’s a dark, sinking feeling in my gut that grows the closer we get to Linc’s house.  And I know this feeling; what it means.

Whatever’s about to happen, it’s going to be bad.  I’m not going to like it.  Because the last time I got this feeling, Linc ghosted me in Florence while he hid out with the woman beside me.

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