Episode Twenty-One

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"So. You remember Sam-"

"Uuuuug," Aliya cuts Carlos off, head thrown back and eyes closed. "I thought that bitch backed off when we got engaged."

"She did," he reclaims the conversation, "But she never signed the renegotiated deal. And now she's back with a vengeance because I was too out of it at the time to make sense of her long-game. To make matters worse, apparently she's been having me followed, and knows about Linc. Claims to have proof, from how Jerry tells it, and has been blackmailing my father for months."

"And this is all because you won't." She stares at him, incredulous, baby blue eyes of hers wide with shock.

But what he says next floors me, "Exactly. She claims she'll only meet with me, and the last time we saw one another I barely got away with my clothes in place."

"What - is she some kind of Amazonian?" Because I can't imagine Carlos not being able to defend himself from unwanted advances.

He gazes over at me. "Worse. She's this frightfully tiny thing, round as a balloon, and all octopus arms." He visually shudders. "Scariest woman I've ever met."

Jonathon tries, and fails, to hide the chuckles that fall from his mouth.

Until I glare at him.

This shit is not fucking funny in any way.

I don't give a fuck who this bitch is. How dare she try to blackmail my Carlos?!

Aliya takes a deep breath; goes on as if neither of us exist, "We have some options. But I don't think you're going to like any of them." She flicks her eyes to me, then back to him. "Either of you."

"You could always take care of it the old fashioned way," Jonathon deadpans into the conversation. Casual; uninterested. He looks down at his nails as if he hasn't a care in the world.

Carlos grins wide, "If it were that easy. But. No. That's too obvious."

"Jay," Aliya admonishes, "No. We've discussed this." She turns back to Carlos with (what I assume) is the same glare she sent her husband, "And you're not helping C.R.. Do not encourage him."

Truth be told? It all sounds a little dark to me.

I use this moment to interrupt the conversation.

"Would either of you like anything? Coffee, tea - water?"

"I'll have coffee," Aliya's quick to reply, a huge smile curling her lips.

"Nothing for me," from Jonathon.

Pushing myself to my feet, I head to the kitchen to start the pot for water. Listen and can't resist my smirk as Jonathon and Aliya bicker about his 'suggestion.'

I grab the press; grind the beans.

Then, loud enough I can hear her, "So the first option is obvious - give her what she wants."

"NO!" I shout from the kitchen at the same time I hear Carlos affirm, "Absolutely not up for that, Ali. I might just vomit at the thought."

That makes two of us.

"He is looking a bit green."

Carlos is right. Jonathon doesn't want to play this game with me, though.

I'm going to show her how real coffee tastes.

And make sure she keeps her husband in line when it comes to my Carlos.

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