Episode Six

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She’d sent me a text that they’re arriving today, and I’m beyond the moon elated.

Linc’s back!

I have to share the news with someone.  So, of course, I’m on the phone with Ali.

“It worked then,” she asks, a laugh in her tone and then a quiet, “Stop that.  I’m talking to C.R..”

The joy is impossible to keep from my voice, “I don’t know what you mean, but Linc’s finally coming home.”  I have to admit, “And Ms. Lee’s coming with him.”

I can hear the confusion in her question, “Terri?  Why...” the dawn of understanding, “Oh, no.  Tell me you didn’t.”

“Didn’t what?”

“No, no, no!  Don’t pull that innocent act with me,” she berates.  “Tell me that rumor I heard about kissing her is just that - a rumor.”

“Um,” clearing my throat, I’m glad she’s not here to see the guilt written on my face.  “Well.”

“You idiot,” she explodes.  “What made you think that kissing cootie man’s ex was going to score you points?  Are you still trying to get that man back?  Because I guaren-fucking-tee you, this isn’t the way to do it.”  Then, “Stop it.  This is important.”

I hear the moment her phone switches to speaker mode.

“You kissed Ms. Lee,” Jonathon’s deeper vocals slide through the airwaves.

I tilt my head back; eat the groan that tries to find its way out.  No way am I Ali’s husband’s biggest fan.

“We mashed faces,” I admit.  Because no, I didn’t kiss Ms. Lee.  I’m not a fucking monster; won’t play another’s emotions to that extreme.  Especially with how obvious her attraction is.

“Was he there to see it,” the next query shot my way.

“Er,” again, don’t want to confess; can already hear the barely tapped anger in Ali’s voice.

“Cooties man is never going to forgive you.”


But she cuts me off; just us as the phone switches off speaker, “No, Carlos.  You have to know he’s going to see this as the ultimate betrayal from both of you.  Because it fucking is!  Please, please tell me you’re not that stupid.”

At that, I snap, “So what?  Even if he never forgives me, Mr. Rickerts won’t be hunting for him anymore.  I won’t be forced to hang a drug addict that smells like death off my arm.  Everyone’s fucking happy.”

Once she hangs up, it hits me like a ton of bricks.

Except me.

Linc may never forgive me; as lost to me now as he’s been for months.

I take a deep breath; have to remind myself that at least he’s home, and out of the enemies territory.  And I have Ms. Lee to thank for that, regardless that there’s still a desire for vengeance against the woman that haunted my Linc’s dreams the same way he whispers through mine.

*Several Hours Later*


I smile wide at the text I’ve been waiting for.

Terri : We’ll be at Rickerts in a few minutes.  I need you to run down Lincoln’s key.  He said he left it with you.

I walk to a drawer in the kitchen; pull out the piece of metal that I’ve been holding on to for months.  Rest it on the counter next to Ali’s coffeepot.

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