Thirty Three

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I step around Mel and look at the tiny woman I’d been stunned to see is even shorter than I am; features so like Carlos’, except delicate.


It was impossible not to hear the words Ali had whispered in the guise of a hug into my ear just before she’d left with her husband, who’s only advice was to slip in Mr. Rickerts’ name (David), if I could.

‘Mrs. Rickerts knows; be easy on her.  She loves C.R. as much as we do.’

And knowing Carlos as intimately as I do?  This woman can’t hide the fear and curiosity that soaks her golden eyes.  Despite the facade she attempts to keep; laugh and smile lines well ingrained.

So I take another leap of faith, and speak with absolute honesty.

“Mrs. Rickerts,” voice quiet as I grasp her delicate hand in mine; hold her gaze, “I swear on your love for Carlos that I have no intention of breaking his heart.”  Throw my eyes to his shocked expression; can’t stop the grin that folds my lips, “It’d destroy me to hurt him.  I love him.”

In the next moment I’m wrapped within her embrace; face against my chest as her body shivers.  It takes another to realize she’s silently weeping over my heart.

I sweep my eyes around the room, and see everyone else just as lost and uncomfortable as I am.  Raise my arms awkwardly and pat her back.

No words.  I have no thoughts or actions for how to handle this.  Had, instead, expected her to rip into me as she had the moment I’d entered.  Angry eyes and judgmental expression.

Then, it’d been easy to put her off; protect my Carlos.


Wouldn’t have even listed in a fever dream, so far-fetched is it to my thoughts of my Lovers’ parents.


My own mother hadn’t accepted me.

Her voice reaches my ears, soft as a whisper; full of emotion, “Thank you.”

Thank you?  For what?

As if she can read my thoughts, she steps back from me and looks up, eyes ablaze with their golden suns so much brighter than my Lovers, filtered through tears and joy, “Thank you for saving my baby boy.  I couldn’t have asked for a better man for my son.”

Carlos’ “Mama,” is overshadowed by Mel’s more vocal, “Ya got that right.  Ain’t no one as good as the Boss except maybe my Jer-Bear.”

She continues with, “Ima go check on him and our lil angel, then we can sit down ta that meal I slaved over.”  She walks out of the room to leave me and Carlos staring awkwardly at each other.

Mrs. Rickerts seems as at home in Jerry and Mel’s place as if she’d always been welcome; known them a lifetime.

When she walks over to Carlos and tilts her head back, I’m stunned once again by their similarities, despite the complete difference in height.

Is that what we look like standing next to each other?  He towers over her.

Her voice almost lyrical in speech, “You did good.  Mama approves.”

“Mother-” an obvious attempt to gain some form of control of the situation.

But I love her more as the small woman that is so much like him I doubt he sees it, glares up at him, and I watch as he visibly winces.  She speaks in a firm tone, “Don’t try to hide it.  I am not Mr. Rickerts.  I am your mother.  I am the woman that conceived you, carried you, and gave birth to you.  You will always be mine, first.”

This Is Me (Cover Girlfriend, Book Three)Where stories live. Discover now