Episode One (Prologue)

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*Months Ago*

I came to the off-the-beaten-path Gallery to get away from everything, including the crowds.

My thoughts.  Mr. Rickerts’ ultimatum.


To take a break from all the reasons I’m in this gorgeous city, feeling completely defeated.

But I didn’t really expect to see her.  And I know, from every brushstroke to the little initials I eventually locate hidden in the paint, that it is her.  That she made it.  Changed her name to go with her new identity, and started her own art Gallery.  Like she always said she one day would.  Living her dream.


I’ll know that voice until the day I die.  It’s a little softer, and a lot more feminine.  But it’s her.

“Lincoln,” she repeats, coming closer, “Is that really you?”

Turning around, I come face to face with my past.


“I never thought I’d see you again,” ending the distance between us until we stand a sociable space apart; eyeing me up and down, as if we’re almost strangers.  I’d be lying if I wasn’t doing the same with her.  Because.


She ‘evolved,’ as she used to call it.

Same olive toned skin and gorgeous mouth, now painted a rich, dark purple.  Stormy ocean eyes surrounded by a shadowed flair; dramatic cat liner and thick lashes, painted by mascara.  Her figure is now filled out with an ample pair of breasts; rounded thighs.  She wears a rich purple silk top that hangs on and sculpts her curves, simultaneously, accentuating her breasts and cleavage with a deep V that almost reaches her navel.  White pants that hug her ass and hips; thighs.  But flare after her knee’s.  Just peeking beneath the cuffs are the pointed toes of shiny, black heeled shoes.

And that undeniable ebony hair is dyed an auburn red, pulled up in some kind of bun meant to appear loose, but probably taking hours to perfect.

Aliya is a beautiful woman, but I’m realizing Terri is, too.  Could even be a rival.

Terri is no longer any part of the Terrance I knew, and loved.

Just like that I know why she’d walked out on me, doing us the favor I wouldn’t do for her, despite how many times she’d silently asked with her rages, and her cheating.  Holding on to her, then, as close as Carlos clings to me now, despite that Fate had other plans.  

Because, though beautiful, I’m not attracted to her.  See nothing of the man I once craved in her new body.  Except those ocean torn eyes that peer at me with sympathy, as if she understands I’m learning what she’s known for years.  Probably more than I’m aware of.

This woman knows me, inside and out.  We’d lived together; built and decorated a house together.  Fucked.  Loved.  Broken each others’ hearts because we aren’t meant for each other.

Created a decade of memories that amount to nothing because she was never really there with me.

Which just reaffirms my love for Carlos; the fact that I have to walk away from him.  By choice this time; something I don’t know if I’m capable of doing.  Emotionally, or realistically.  

Either way my business is going to suffer because I couldn’t stay away from him in the first place.  If I don’t find some way for Carlos to stay away from me, Mr. Rickerts is going to release those photos to the press.  That isn’t something I can risk.

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