Episode Eighteen

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*Back at the House*


I gaze at the door, then down at the love of my life.

“Any idea what that was about?”

I don’t trust that smile; wicked glint in his eyes.  I’ve seen it too often to know what it means; grateful this time it has nothing to do with me.

“I imagine she didn’t like the idea of me kissing you.”

He wraps his palm around my neck and drags my head down to do just that.  I don’t even try to fight it.  Love his mouth; the things his tongue does.  I can’t help but moan as I melt towards him.  He drops his arms to wrap them around my waist; pull me close.  Breaks away to add, low and husky, “Or the thought of me being inside your beautiful body.  But that’s her problem.  Not mine.”

I cup his cheeks and tilt his head so he looks up at me.

“That’s not a nice thing to say.  We wouldn’t be here, now, if not for her.  You know that, right?”

His dark eyes begin to throb with anger, “What I know is that she should have fucking smacked you when you kissed her.”

“But I didn’t-”

Linc doesn’t let me finish that sentence.

“Yes.  You did.  I don’t give a fuck what you call it, Lovers.  Mashing faces is still kissing.  Without tongue.”

Our faces inches away from each other as he states, “And this beautiful mouth is mine.

Lust rushes through me with the flow of my blood; covers every limb with a warm glow.

“All yours.”

I move my thumbs in a caress across his beard, soft from the oils he uses.

“I love you.”

His voice dips with hunger, “I know.”

The he drags me back to bed, where I can’t help but sing for my Linc.  My love.


And in moments like this?

Love is epic.

*A Week Later*


I pull my thoughts out of the air, where they’d been dreaming about Linc, and focus on the man that sits across my desk.

Today Jerry is dressed in a light blue suit with a white dress shirt and dark blue, patterned tie.  His blond hair upswept with as much gel as a fifties model, and his light brown eyes gazing at me curiously.

“You were saying?”  I don’t care to admit I hadn’t been listening.

“Mr. Rickerts.”

God, I hate it when he calls me that.

Especially in that disapproving tone so like my fathers.

“What are we going to do about Miss Jennings?”

Fucking Sam.

Thorn in my ass for over a year.

“Cancel it all.  Either she agrees, or we’re finished.  I don’t care how much Mr. Rickerts feels we need to grovel.  I don’t give two shit’s what she thinks she’s owed.  I don’t like her.  I don’t agree with this.  And we’re finished.”

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