Thirty Two

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*Three Days Later*

He has two days left, then I’m going to fucking find him.  I thought by now Carlos would’ve broken and at least visited.  Especially since Terri’s been with Aliya.

Nope.  No texts.  Few calls, kept short; none in the last few days.  Distance I don’t fucking like.

Rich isn’t being any easier to deal with, which just raises my ire and stress to epic proportions.  Asking questions about my private life that has zero to do with the business, aside from the reason why I’m selling.  Temporarily!

I swear, if I have to deal with one more thing-

Mel pops her head through the office door, breaking my train of thought.  Welcoming the distraction, I ask, “Need something?”

Her face as she enters and shuts the door behind her fills me with caution.

“We have a situation here.”

“A situation?

When the fuck has Mel ever described anything as a situation?

As if she doesn’t want to speak, she averts her eyes.  Looks at every picture and piece of furniture; refuses to greet my gaze.

I rumble out her name in a long drawl, “Mel,” and she breaks like a cracked egg.

Raises her eyes and spills like a tipped teacup, “Jer-Bear got a call from Rickerts and it’s bad, Boss.  It’s so bad.  Ya gotta come.  Ya gotta.  Jer-Bear is more terrified of the Mrs. than the Mr..  He was practically shiver’n with terror.  Ya gotta help my Jer-Bear out.  I’m beggin’.”

There’s so much information pouring my way, I don’t catch much of it.


Mrs. Rickerts?”

That fucking portrait put me on the radar of Carlos’ mother?!  How many ways is that woman going to chew me up and spit me out if ‘Jer-Bear’ is already ‘shiver’n’?

“Mrs. Rickerts wants us ta have a ‘private’ dinner tomorrow night.  She ‘insists’ ya come.  Please, Boss.... Linc.... BOSS.  Please.”  Tears peak in her eyes and I’m fucking done.

I snap.

“Fine.  I’ll be there; take the day off to prepare for it.  But I can’t promise I’ll stay if she’s a rude ass bitch.  Don’t ask that of me, Mel.  Don’t.”

Her face blossoms with joy.

“I’ll work for free,” Mel instantly starts spewing words, “For a year.  Whatever ya need, Boss.  Whatever-”

I cut her off.

“It’s not your fault I fell for a God, Mel.  Or that you found your fairy tale in his lackey.”  At last a smile from her, despite her wet lashes and tear filled eyes, “I’ll show up for dinner.  I’ll play nice to the Mrs..”  My voice goes hard and cold as I think of her husband, “Unless she’s not.”

Mel is already bobbing her head with nods, “That’s so nice.  I could.  I.  Thank you.”

Obviously unable to speak, she gifts me a smile and leaves the office.

Leaves me alone.

To realize.

I’m meeting Carlos’ mother tomorrow.

This Is Me (Cover Girlfriend, Book Three)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें