Christmas: Sebastian/Mr. Williams

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When I arrived at the Whitmore house, I texted Aaron. I didn't want to ring the doorbell and give false hope to Layla's family. Aaron opened the door and gave me a fake smile. I knew how much this whole thing pained him. "Welcome Sebastian. Merry Christmas." Aaron said as a greeting. "Merry Christmas to you too," I responded. The weight of everything started to set in. If Layla didn't come back now, our last hope is New Year's. "Thank you for letting me come, I didn't know where else to go," I said as a sort of explanation for crashing this family holiday. "No problem, thank you for coming. We need to celebrate in some way." Aaron said. When we entered the living room. Layla's mom was standing at the window. She looked out mindlessly and just watched the world go by. Layla's dad was sitting in his recliner chair watching tv. The volume was way too low for someone to actively watch. Aaron announced my arrival. I got a greeting from Layla's dad. Layla's mom continued watching out the window as if nothing had changed. Aaron excused himself and went into the kitchen. Aaron had been prepping the food for tomorrow's "feast." Then I put it together, everyone here is just in some sort of limbo. No one is present in the moment; they are all just filling their time and waiting.

"Where should I put my things?" I asked. Aaron had already resumed setting out frozen rolls to thaw and rise. "I don't think my mom is going to leave that window. She will probably wait all night so maybe not the couch. Do you want to bunk with me?" Aaron offered. "Yeah, that sounds great," I answered half-heartedly. I felt rude, but Aaron understood I was just tired. We all are exhausted.

It wasn't until after Midnight that we all separated and went off to bed. To my surprise, Layla's mom and dad set up shop in their recliners. Neither of them was going to be too far away from the door tonight. Layla's dad kept the TV on, but the volume was still so quiet. It was only Aaron and me that found a bed to sleep in. We barely slept ourselves. The last thing I remember hearing was Aaron saying, "Wouldn't it be a Christmas miracle if she came home tomorrow?" I didn't respond. I pretended I had already drifted off to sleep.

When we woke up it was about 8 in the morning. Aaron and I both left his room at the same time. Our movement disturbed Layla's dad. "Oh, good morning boys." was our greeting. "Merry Christmas, Mr. Whitmore, was my reply. I didn't know what else to say. Layla's dad gave a half smile and echoed my sentiment. Aaron excused himself to make coffee. We were all going to need some caffeine. We spent the morning watching the news and drinking coffee. None of us were anxious about opening gifts.

Once it was about 10 am, Aaron suggested following tradition. Gifts, then food. Reluctantly we all agreed. I passed out stockings and passed out gifts. Tears welled in my eyes as I read, "To Layla. From: Mom." Layla was supposed to be here... Aaron reassured me by setting his hand on my shoulder. I blinked away the tears and continued to pass out the remaining gifts. Slowly, but surely everyone opened their gifts. Layla's mom opened her gifts without even processing anything. This sight broke my heart. I cleaned up all the ripped wrapping paper and Aaron started the cooking process. Layla's parents returned to the recliners. Occasionally, Layla's mom would look out the window for a few minutes.

Around noon Arron set the table. Everyone sat down except for Mrs. Whitmore. She spent her time waiting. We took turns passing dishes around. Mr. Whitmore made an extra plate for Layla's mom. Her plate was filled with a tiny scoop of each item. Aaron took the plate to his mom. While we ate in silence, then Aaron decided to make conversation.

"What were your family festivities like Sebastian?" Aaron asked as he buttered his roll.

"Well, everyone came home. My mom made food and we opened gifts." I said recounting our time,

"What was your favorite gift?" Layla's dad asked.

"I know it sounds horrible, but I don't remember. I was just too overwhelmed." I answered, then started to eat. "The holidays can be a trying time." Mr. Whitmore interjected. "It's okay. We all understand." I debated announcing my parent's divorce, but I decided against it. I am a grown man, and this family didn't need to comfort me. "Thank you for lett-" I began to say but I was interrupted by a plate in the other room falling to the floor and shattering.

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