New Year's Eve: Layla/ Mr. Williams

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Christmas day was a wake-up call and gave me a tremendous idea. For weeks now I have been slowly letting myself give in to Mr. Williams and he has been reacting to my surrender. When I am standoffish, I get iced out. When I give in, Mr. Williams gives me little treats. Knowing this pattern will be helpful going forward, but I still have to figure out my plan of action. Do I give in, and give Mr. Williams everything in hopes that one gift will be freedom or close to it? Or do I try to find my own way out of this cabin? I was stuck with this question because once I pick one, I can't go back. I can't be wishy-washy and expect Mr. Williams to trust me by the end of everything. If I gave in to Mr. Williams completely, he could move me somewhere far away. I don't know exactly where I am right now, but I would say that I am close to Mr. Williams' previous home. I am close to Bash. But if Mr. Williams moves us away, then I won't be near anyone I know. If I try to escape this cabin, how would Mr. Williams react? I decided to let the decision present itself.

New Year's Eve came around and I knew that I could convince Mr. Williams to throw us a small party if I asked. If I showed any interest in spending time with him, Mr. Williams would jump at the opportunity.

"Mr. Williams?" I asked as we were putting together a puzzle. Mr. Williams played music so that we wouldn't be trapped in silence as we looked over the puzzle pieces on the dining room table.

"Yes, Layla love?" Mr. Williams asked without looking up from the pieces.

"If the clock you gave me is correct, tomorrow is New Year's Eve." I began to say,

"That's correct love." Mr. Williams answered.

"Well, I was wondering if you wanted to celebrate?" I asked. I placed a piece as I said this.

The excitement on Mr. Williams' face could not be hidden.

"You want to celebrate the New Year?" Mr. Williams asked while looking at me. I could see in his eyes the love he had for me. It appears his blue eyes reflected starlight. When Mr. Williams looked at me, I was his entire world. Looking back into Mr. Williams' eyes, my mind blended Mr. Williams's face with Sebastian's and I smiled back. I found a certain comfort in knowing that Sebastian could love me as I am now, even if it wasn't real.

"Yes, I think we should celebrate what the new year has in store for us. We never know what is going to happen." I said in response.

"What would you have in mind?" Mr. Williams asked. His soft gaze was still on me.

"I am not sure, but I want it to be fun," I answered. I stopped looking at the puzzle pieces in front of me.

"If you plan what you would like, I will see that it happens." was Mr. William's rubber stamp of approval.

"Thank you so much, Mr. Williams!" I said excitedly. I kissed his cheek. I knew that he would do whatever I wanted now. Mr. Williams's smile was answered enough.

"What if we either did a fancy dinner or a fancy fun breakfast?" I asked to gauge his reaction.

"We could do both if you wanted." was his response. I thought everything over and came up with my idea.

"Okay hear me out, what if we did a fancy date night dinner possibly a movie? Then the next morning we have a fancy breakfast?" I asked. I waited for Mr. Williams to think this over.

"Well, we would have to celebrate in a more adult way as well. What do you like to drink?" Mr. Williams asked.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I mean, when you go to the bars or at a social gathering, what do you like to drink while you are there? Mr. Williams explained.

"Promise not to judge me?" I asked.

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