Chapter 5: See Ya Around, Ace Detective

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Int. Abandoned Warehouse – Night

Akira is still strung up and now, the entire right side of his face is just as swollen and damaged as his left. He can't open his left eye at all, due to how swollen it is but he can still slightly see out of his right. His mouth is so swollen, that he can barely speak.

Junya Kaneshiro: I think that's enough. One of you, get him down from there. I need him somewhat intact so he can get the cash for me.

One of Kaneshiro's men unties Akira's hands and allows him to fall on the floor, hard. Akira's body is limp with pain but he still crawls towards Kaneshiro in frustration.

Junya Kaneshiro: You want more? Seems you just get dumber by the second. In that case...

Kaneshiro is unable to finish his statement, before he hears an explosion coming from the inside of the warehouse.

Junya Kaneshiro: What the fuck was that?

Int. Abandoned Warehouse – Continuous

Akechi and an SIU SWAT team make their way into the warehouse, after breaching the front door. Akechi lets the SWAT team enter, first, and then, closely follows behind. Akechi has his pistol drawn and keeps his eyes open for any enemies. A few of Kaneshiro's men run towards the SWAT team and start firing their sub machine guns at them. One of the members of the SWAT team is hit but Kaneshiro's men are shot down, quickly, by the rest of the SWAT team. Akechi checks on the one, who was shot, to make sure he is alright.

Goro Akechi: Are you alright?

SIU SWAT Member # 1: Yeah, I'm fine. Just keep going with the others.

After making sure that he's fine, Akechi catches up to the other members of the SWAT team, who are still clearing the hallways of Kaneshiro's men. They run into a couple more of his men and shoot them down with precision and ease. Akechi hasn't had to shoot his weapon, yet. The SWAT team stops and signals Akechi to halt.

SIU SWAT Member # 2: I think we're getting close. Proceed with caution.

Akechi and the SWAT team makes their way towards two doors that seem to lead to a large area of the warehouse. One of the SWAT members open the door and a grenade immediately rolls out of the door to them. One of the members of the SWAT team tackles Akechi out of the way while another one of the members leaps onto the grenade, to shield his teammates from the blast. The grenade explodes, sending all of the members of the SWAT team to the floor and brutally killing the SWAT member, who is on the grenade; his body parts fly everywhere as blood splatters on the walls of the warehouse. The smoke is clouding everyone's vision but the remaining SWAT members pick themselves up and begin shooting their weapons. Akechi pushes the corpse of the SWAT member, who protected him, off of his body and shields his eyes from the smoke as he attempts to pick himself up. He makes his way towards the room that the rest of the SWAT members are firing in. The remaining SWAT members are both killed right in front of Akechi, after taking several gunshots to the stomach, each. Akechi, without thinking, rushes into the room and finds cover and takes out his pistol, readying himself to fire. The smoke from the explosion begins to clear and Akechi can hear Kaneshiro barking orders.

Junya Kaneshiro (Off Screen): HOW THE FUCK DID THEY GET IN HERE?!

Akechi pops out of cover and aims his weapon directly at Kaneshiro, who is protected by two of his associates, who are both armed with M-16 Assault Rifles.

Goro Akechi: Junya Kaneshiro, you've caused enough damage and bloodshed! You're coming with me, now!

Junya Kaneshiro: Who the...ah, I actually recognize you. The high school detective from America; this is a little different than the type of cases you usually pursue, isn't it? Let me ask you this, have you ever even shot a weapon before? Are you prepared with the guilt that comes with pulling that fucking trigger?!

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