Chapter 19: Life Will Change

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Int. Kaneshiro's Palace – After School

The song "Life Will Change" By Lyn Inaizumi starts playing. The "Phantom Thieves" make their way through the bank, dodging security cameras, that are watching out for them. The "Phantom Thieves" rush towards the elevator that leads to the basement floor, where the treasure is.

Ryuji Sakamoto: Where the hell is all of the security? Usually, security levels are off the chart when we're about to steal the treasure.

Makoto Niijima: I noticed the same thing. There weren't any guards or dogs out patrolling...not a single Shadow.

Akira Kurusu: This is a first...we need to proceed with caution. Kaneshiro may be expecting us.

Ann Takamaki: He could have a trap set for us.

Yusuke Kitagawa: Be that as it may, we can't let that stop us from moving any further.

Makoto Niijima: I agree. Even if he is setting a trap for us, we'll just have to deal with it. We don't have the time to come back to the palace another day. Let's go.

The group calls the elevator and the elevator doors slide open. They make their way inside and the doors shut behind them. The elevator begins to take them down. Akira notices that Makoto seems a bit restless as her fists start opening and closing. She pops her neck twice and starts rolling her shoulders back, looking like she's preparing herself to strike Kaneshiro down as soon as she gets the chance. Ryuji speaks, quietly.

Ryuji Sakamoto: She's so fucking terrifying...

Morgana: Yo, calm your tits, blondie. The pussy can't be that fierce.

Makoto speaks , angrily.

Makoto Niijima: What was that?!

Morgana responds, nervously.


Ann and Yusuke shake their head in disappointment.

Yusuke Kitagawa: It seems she has managed to already wrap the two of them around her finger.

Ann responds, sarcastically.

Ann Takamaki: I never would have seen that coming.

Akira puts his hand over Makoto's fist; she looks at him.

Akira Kurusu: Remember. You have to control that anger of yours. We can't kill him...if we want him to confess everything, that is.

Makoto Niijima: I...I know that.

Akira Kurusu: Just settle down a little, alright?

Makoto's fists become unclenched, slightly.

Makoto Niijima: O-Okay, I'll try.

The elevator door opens, after reaching the basement floor.

Akira Kurusu: We're here. Let's not keep him waiting.

The "Phantom Thieves" make their way out of the elevator to confront Shadow Kaneshiro. The song "Life Will Change" By Lyn Inaizumi stops playing.

Int. Kaneshiro's Bank – Moments Later

Akechi makes his way through Kaneshiro's bank, completely lost. He takes in his surroundings.

Goro Akechi: I...can't believe I lost them...they move so quickly. This bank has the same eerie vibe as the rest of this strange world. Could they be using this world to change the hearts of their the teacher, Kamoshida, and like the painter, Madarame? That means...that what Naoto may have actually, been true. When all of this is over, I'll have to...

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