Chapter 16: The Sinner of Gluttony

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Int. Shujin Academy – After School

The date is now Thursday, July 1st (7 days before Kaneshiro's heart needs to be stolen) and Makoto is putting her things away in the student council room, getting ready to leave. Eiko notices how much of a rush Makoto is in.

Eiko Takao: Got somewhere important to be?

Makoto Niijima: Hm...oh, yeah, I'm...helping Akira with something.

Eiko Takao: Oh, you're in a rush to see him, huh?

Makoto Niijima: That's not what I meant.

Eiko Takao: No, it's cool. I understand, completely. You two have been hanging out with each other a lot, lately. Is it getting serious?

Makoto Niijima: Is what getting serious?

Eiko Takao: Come on, don't play dumb.

Makoto Niijima: I'm telling you that it's nothing like that. He just needs my help with a project he's working on. I said I would help him out, after all he did for me, that's all.

Eiko Takao: Well, once you two do start dating, would you both be interested in a double date?

Makoto Niijima: Double date...with who?

Eiko Takao: Me and my boyfriend, of course.

Makoto Niijima: Wait, you have a boyfriend?

Eiko Takao: Yeah, remember, I met him while you were gone? We've gotten a lot closer this last week and he's really interested in meeting you for some reason, since I always talk about you.

Makoto Niijima: I...I'm a little busy at the moment but I'm really glad that you met someone. Does he treat you well?

Eiko Takao: Of course. He calls me his princess and buys me all sorts of fancy gifts. Hell, he gives me more of his attention than my parents do.

Makoto Niijima: Well, I'm glad for you. I'm in a bit of hurry so I'll text you about it later, alright?

Eiko Takao: Okay, try not to work yourself too hard. Tell Akira I said, hi.

Makoto takes her back pack and leaves the student council room as Eiko takes out her phone and sees that she's gotten a text from her boyfriend.

Eiko Takao: He wants to meet, again, so soon?

Int. Kaneshiro's Bank – Later

The "Phantom Thieves" have managed to get through the large vault door and are now in the innermost section of the bank. They make their way towards an elevator at the end of the large room that they have already made their way through.

Akira Kurusu: Up ahead...the elevator.

Makoto Niijima: I wonder if it leads to the basement floor; that's where the map said the treasure is, right, Mona?

Morgana takes out the map and tries to make sense of it.

Morgana: Yeah, sure, we'll go with that.


Morgana: Like you can, blondie?

The group stops right in front of the elevator and Makoto takes the map from Morgana, aggressively. Makoto speaks, annoyed.

Makoto Niijima: Let me see this.

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