Chapter 9: I Expect Great Things From You

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Int. Niijima Residence – Noon

The date is now Monday, June 21st and Makoto is inside of her room. She still has the rubber band on her wrist. Sae calls for her sister from the other side of her room's door.

Sae Niijima (Off Screen): Makoto, Akechi is here to pick you up!

Makoto gets up from her chair and pushes it into her desk so it's out of the way.

Int. Niijima Residence – Continuous

Makoto makes her way out of her room and sees Akechi waiting for her by her sister.

Sae Niijima: I think it's really nice of you, Akechi, to offer to take Makoto out to pick up some books to read. I don't think she has anything to read, other than textbooks.

Goro Akechi: Yes, she was telling me that she was out of things to read and I figured since she's taking a couple days off, it would help keep her mind busy. We might also, get something to eat while we are out. Would you like us to pick something up for you?

Sae Niijima: No, I'm good. Thanks.

Akechi turns his attention to Makoto.

Goro Akechi: Shall we head out, then?

Int. Café Leblanc – Noon

Sojiro makes his way up to Akira's room in the attic to bring him some curry to eat and Akira is still sitting on his mattress, with Morgana asleep next to him. Sojiro notices that Akira hasn't eaten the last meal that Sojiro had prepared for him.

Sojiro Sakura: Good God, kid; you're going to starve to death if you don't eat something.

Sojiro takes the old plate of curry and cup of coffee and replaces them with the newly prepared ones.

Sojiro Sakura: I know you fucked up pretty bad, kid happens. You have to move forward.

Akira doesn't respond.

Sojiro Sakura: Well, I'll be downstairs if you need anything. Just try to eat.

Sojiro notices that Morgana is lying next to him, asleep. Sojiro laughs.

Sojiro Sakura: The cat is back, huh? Well, I'll come back up here a little later and give him something to eat too. To be honest, I kind of missed having him around the last couple of days.

Sojiro makes his way back down the stairs as Akira looks at Morgana, who's asleep next to him. He pats Morgana on the head, softly and actually moves to the table, where the food and coffee is.

Ext. Naoto's House – Afternoon

Makoto and Akechi are standing outside of Naoto's house.

Goro Akechi: I think this is the place.

Akechi knocks on the door, lightly.

Makoto Niijima: This is a nice house...

Goro Akechi: Seems like a friendly neighborhood as well. So, this is what retirement looks like?

Makoto Niijima: I think you still got a long way to go, before you have to worry about that.

Akechi laughs.

Goro Akechi: It is a nice thought, though.

Makoto Niijima: Where would you live if you were retired?

Goro Akechi: I think...somewhere close to a beach. I used to love going when I was in America. I'm actually a pretty big surfer.

Makoto Niijima: I can kind of see that.

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