Chapter 23: Making a Difference

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Int. Shujin Academy – Morning

The date is now Monday, July 12th (five days after Kaneshiro turns himself into the police). Makoto is talking to Dr. Maruki inside of the nurse's office.

Takuto Maruki: Based on what you've told me, it sounds like you are doing so much better, Makoto. That's really good.

Makoto smiles.

Makoto Niijima: Yeah, lately I've just happy. I...just can't explain it.

Takuto Maruki: Do you think entering a relationship for the first time could have anything to do with it?

Makoto Niijima: I...uh...I'm not really sure. My mood has seemed to have been much better, since we started dating about a week ago. Akira actually...asked me to the Summer Dance, this Saturday.

Takuto Maruki: He did, huh? I'm sure you're excited about that.

Makoto Niijima: I've never been to a dance before, so I'm a little nervous about it, to be honest.

Takuto Maruki: Well, I think it'll be good for you; the school dances may seem silly but they are still a great experience for someone your age.

Makoto Niijima: I'm not really all that good at dancing, though...I'm surprised Akira asked me.

Maruki laughs.

Takuto Maruki: You're surprised that your boyfriend asked you to a dance?

Makoto Niijima: You don't have to laugh...

Takuto Maruki: Sorry. Well, don't worry about the dancing part; nobody at these school dances knows how to. How are things with your sister?

Makoto Niijima: I managed to convince her to go back to work this week. I'm...glad she cares enough to stay with me for longer but I feel like keeping her from her job, when I'm doing fine, isn't helping anyone.

Takuto Maruki: So, you two are getting along, then?

Makoto Niijima: Yep. Things are finally getting back to normal it seems.

Takuto Maruki: Looks like the cut on your face is getting a little better as well.

Makoto touches her cheek, where the cut used to be.

Makoto Niijima: Yeah, the stitches have already started falling out and it's been healing, nicely. Hopefully, it's fully healed by the time the dance is here.

Takuto Maruki: Eh, I'm sure it will be. Hm, it seems like we're running low on time. Was there anything else you wanted to talk about, before you go? Anything still bothering you?

Makoto Niijima: The...the only things that haven't gone away are the nightmares.

Takuto Maruki: Are these the same nightmares as before...concerning what happened in that abandoned warehouse, when you were kidnapped?

Makoto Niijima: Yeah. I...I don't know why I can't get those thoughts out of my head. I wish they would just leave. In these dreams, I always helpless...I usually wake up, before anything happens but...sometimes after the dreams, I can physically feel what they did to me.

Takuto Maruki: I'm sure you know this, already, but what you went through that day isn't going to be easy to fully recover from. You experienced something a girl your age shoulder never have to. Maybe, this is indicative of you needing more closure.

Makoto Niijima: Closure?

Takuto Maruki: Yes. The man responsible...Junya Kaneshiro...he's in police custody right now, correct?

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