Chapter 15: Just the Two of Us

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Int. Kaneshiro's Bank – After School

The date is now Tuesday, June 29th, leaving the group 9 days to steal Kaneshiro's heart. The group is quickly making their way through the bank. They sneak past security cameras and some enemies along the way but, eventually, they run into a giant vault that is blocking them from going any further into the bank.

Ryuji Sakamoto: Shit. Another dead end. Look how big this vault is, though.

Ann Takamaki: The security is getting tougher...we must be getting closer to the treasure.

Makoto Niijima: The treasure must be past this vault...we just have to find a way through. Does anyone see a way in?

Yusuke Kitagawa: Over here!

Yusuke points to a panel with two key card slots on it.

Morgana: NICE FIND, FOX!

Akira Kurusu: So, we need to find two key cards in order to unlock this vault?

Morgana: Seems that way. I'm willing to bet that some high-level security guards are holding onto them.

Akira Kurusu: Great. At least, we're getting closer.

Makoto Niijima: We still need to stay vigilant. It's getting closer and closer to the end date.

Ryuji Sakamoto: Well, enough talking then, let's get to looking for those key cards.

Ryuji, Ann, Yusuke and Morgana head off to look for the security guards with the key cards while Makoto and Akira stay back.

Akira Kurusu: How you holding up?

Makoto Niijima: This is all coming, surprisingly, easily to me. Still, there's no doubt that Kaneshiro is watching us, closely.

Makoto looks up at one of the security cameras in the bank that's pointed at her and Akira.

Akira Kurusu: The cameras...they're all over this place. The bastard must be watching our every move.

Makoto Niijima: It's only going to get tougher from here on out. We can't slow down, though.

Makoto draws her revolver and aims it at the security camera. She fires her weapon and a bullet blasts through the security camera, shattering it to pieces. Makoto puts away her revolver.

Makoto Niijima: Let's get going.

Makoto and Akira run after the group to help them look after the key cards.

Int. Niijima Residence – Later

Sae is sitting at the kitchen table, working on her laptop. She hears Makoto walk out of her room and looks up from her laptop as she makes her way into the kitchen to get some water. Makoto seems vibrant and full of energy.

Sae Niijima: You seem to be doing a lot better, lately. I' proud of you for how strong you've been.

Makoto Niijima: Really? You think so? I've...just been trying to keep busy, that's all.

Makoto gets a glass from one of the cabinets in the kitchen and starts obtaining some purified water from the ice machine on their fridge. When she's finished getting the water, she turns to her sister.

Makoto Niijima: Uh, sis?

Sae Niijima: Hm?

Makoto Niijima: I...was thinking about returning to school, starting tomorrow.

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