2. Bleeding.

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The party was a success. Mom was happy, and that's a bonus on my half. It was now 2 o'clock in the morning since everyone left, and I was currently in my room. I was drifting off to sleep when my bladder wanted to visit the toilet. Groaning, I lazily got up and went into the bathroom across the hall. Sighing, I pulled my under garments down and went to pee. After I was sure my bladder was empty, I stood to flush the bowl when something red caught my eyes. Blood. Now I know when my health is down, I get horrible headaches and my uterus lining begins its job. But I had just came off my period a week before and now I was seeing blood. Maybe it wasn't over, my period I meant. Maybe the cycle changed? Yes, that's it. I flushed the bowl nevertheless, and made it back to my room. Remembering that I had school tomorrow, and cheer practice, had me pulling the covers over my head and calling it a night.

|n|e|x|t. |d|a|y.

I woke up with some dried up drool on the side of my mouth, stretching out my muscles. I swung my feet out of the bed and wiggled my toes from the coldness of the tiled floor. I pushed my feet into my bedroom slippers and made my way across the hall to the bathroom. I wish I had a bathroom in my room instead, because I wouldn't have to be walking across the hall all day and night. I brushed my teeth, washed my face and fixed my hair into the normal side braid. I also applied some mascara and lipgloss before heading downstairs. Mom was already in the kitchen, making breakfast.

"Morning mom." I said as I opened the refrigerator door. Mom stopped what she was doing to smile at me.

"Morning sweetie. How'd you sleep?" She asked.

"Great. When are you and dad leaving for your getaway?" I asked as she placed two set of plates on the kitchen island.

"Soon actually. He's upstairs grabbing the suitcases. We leave in an hour." She said emptying the 'breakfast' on the plates. I inwardly cringed at the sight. Mom was definitely not a cook, so thank God for dad.

"What is this?" I asked. She grabbed the Orange juice out of the refrigerator and poured it into two cups.

"Honey it's pancakes and eggs." She said. This is not pancakes and eggs. The pancakes look like it was sad to be born and the eggs look like it was from a different planet. I'm not eating but I won't tell her.

".... Thanks." I said. She smiled and went to eating her breakfast. How could she eat this stuff?

"Oh goodness, I'm going to be late! Look at that clock. Oh, well bye! Oh and Viv said she'll come over to keep my company while you guys are gone." I said before rushing out the door. I couldn't hear what my mom said because I was already in my car.

Finally arriving at school, I put the car in park and headed towards the entrance. On my way over I saw my boyfriend, Flint, talking with Cassandra one of my cheerleaders. She was smiling and laughing at whatever he said, and if I was being honest, his jokes were never funny. I had to pretend to laugh so I don't hurt his feelings. I stalked over towards the two, grabbing their attention.

"Oh hey babe. I didn't see you pull up." He said, leaning in to give my cheek a peck. I grimaced and turn to the auburn head. She gave me a fake smile and turned to leave. That's what I thought.

"You didn't call me yesterday. Why?" I asked, already knowing where this was heading. He sighed loudly, rolling his eyes.

"I was drunk. And I didn't want to be on the phone with my girlfriend while I couldn't think straight. You understand, right?" He asked. Liar.

I nodded either way. "Just, stop saying you're gonna call when you don't. I've had that too many times with you." I said, adjusting the straps of my gym bag on my shoulder. He nodded as we both walked into the school building.

Here's the thing. Not long ago, Flint cheated on me for one of my cheerleaders. No, I didn't kick her off of the team, that would be immature and selfish. But I did place her at the back of the group whenever we were to perform. So nobody could see her. I know it wasn't much, but I didn't care. As we entered, I noticed Vivian walking towards us.

"Later." Flint announced before slipping away.

"Yeah, you better leave!" Vivian said as she stood near me. Flint shoved his hands in his pockets as he neared his class.

"Really, Viv?" I asked as I walked to my locker.

"Yes, really. I hate the guy, you know this. Anyways, I was planning a fun night for us. We could stay up and watch scary movies and eat excessive amount of ice cream." She said, already smiling.

"You know, for a tiny person you can sure get down." I chuckled, closing my locker. She glared at me.

"I'm not tiny! People are just big." She said folding her arms. Stubborn child.

"Okay...." I smirked. We headed to class with me smiling and her glaring at me.


"Ok girls, get into position. 5,6,7,8" I said, as every cheerleader started putting the routine we practiced into motion. "Nice! Could use a little more spirit though." I said winking. They all laughed, except Cassandra. Well, I didn't blame her.

"Can we take a break Czarina?" One girl asked. I nodded, feeling tired as well. I had to pee.

I told them they could have a minutes break and then we could get back to practice. I made it all the way to the bathroom and went to pee. After that was done, I was about to flush the bowl again when I noticed the blood in the toilet. It was on my underwear as well, and I hated that. I realized that the blood didn't look like menstrual blood, but it was like I was spotting. That wasn't normal, and even I knew that. It wasn't dramatically all over my underwear, but it looked like polka dots in red markings. I sighed, running my hands through my hair. I decided I would ask Vivian if she knew, or just visit a local clinic instead. After cleaning up, I went back to the girls.

"Uh, ok ladies, looks like we'll call it a day. You girls were great, but promise me you'll go over the routine at home. We have to win again this year." I told them as they grabbed their belongings. Some nodded and some smiled. Good. I grabbed my gym bag, and looked around to see if I saw Flint anywhere. He was no where to be seen or found.

Walking towards my car, I noticed the back of a head that looked exactly like my boyfriend. I noticed he was pinning a black haired girl to his car, lips locking. I didn't mean to make myself noticed, but I couldn't hold back the gasp. I don't even know why I was so surprised to see something so normal. They both stopped what they were doing and turned to me. The girl looked annoyed that I interrupted their little session, but Flint was pale. I turned away, not saying a word, and left him there to gawk.

"Wait! Czarina wait!" He was shouting after me, but I had already gotten in my car and was backing out of the driveway. Idiot.

I made it home safely, knowing I could've gotten into an accident with all the mad swerving I was doing, and marched inside my house. The house was empty of course, since mom and dad were enjoying themselves. I placed my gym bag on the living room dining table and went upstairs to shower. I wasn't emotional at all, I knew he would do this again. But I wasn't accepting him again. After showering and changing into my pj's, even though it was still early, I called my best friend and asked if she could come over, but to my surprise, she was already on her way. I sat down in the living room and turned on the tv waiting for my best friend. My phone started ringing, and knowing who it was, I hit the ignore button. I know my best friend will help make the night fun, and I counted on it.

|End of chapter| Hoped you enjoyed and feel free to comment, and tell me how you feel|. Thank you and love you.|

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