17. Factories and a Doctor.

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It's been a week since I was emitted back to the hospital. It upsets me to no end. My cancer has gotten worse, I'm crying over Ina, Carlo is playing me closer than usual, and, my doctor is giving me heart palpitations. Don't even get me started on my parents. My dad, I'd come to learn, had cheated on my Mom. It hurts me. My Mom on the other end, is sulking more than anything nowadays.

"Hey. " Doc. Bederov came in.

I straighten up, "Hey Doc."

He smiled that perfect smile he always did.

"I have some good news. " he said.

I nodded, "okay. "

He came over and sat down in the seat near my bed.

"You get to go where you want but you must be back here at eleven pm sharp. " he said.

I pondered this. "OK. "

"OK, I'll call nurse Jackie, she's able to be your personal chauffeur." He said as he stood up.

"Doc?" I quickly called out.

He turned to look at me, "yeah? "

I inhaled, "can you take me?"

He looked shocked for a brief moment before nodding, "sure, I didn't think you would like that. "

You had no idea. "It shouldn't be a problem."

He visibly relaxed, "Glad to hear, when exactly do you want to leave?"

I needed to get dressed, "One shower and I'm ready."

"Okay, I'll wait out here until then." he smiled and then left.

I quickly, but carefully, got out of bed and went into the bathroom. After I was done with my shower, I decided to cover myself in a spaghetti strap, teal dress that reaches, at least, three inches above my knees . I quickly stuffed my feet into some dark brown preppy shoes.

"All ready." I announced as I stepped out of the room.

Doc smiled and told me to wait as he signed me out. After he was done we were about to head to the exit when...

"Where are you going?" Doc and I turned to face the voice, but I already knew who it was.

"Carlo, hey. This is my doctor, doc. Bederov." I introduced both men as to make it seem normal.

Carlo looked doc up and down, not as friendly as I've hoped. Doc shook hands with him and gave him the million dollar smile that seems to melt everyone. Everyone but Carlo.

"Doc." He nodded once.

"Carlo." Doc answered.

"Yes, and me, now we're leaving. Carlo, I will call you tonight." I interrupted their staring match.

Carlo broke eye contact with doc to look at me, "sure, don't forget."

"I won't, bye." I smiled as we both, doc and I, headed out the exit.

It was sunny outside, but the weather was oddly cool. I just hoped it stayed that way for the remaining of the day. I sneaked a glance at doc, but he was in good character. He had on a smile, his walk was tall, and his demeanor was dapper. Or maybe, I was just head over heels for this man. But why?

"I got to say, I'm glad I get to chauffeur you around." Doc said out of no where.

I whipped my head in his direction, hoping I had heard him right. "Why do you say that?"

He sighed, "because, I get to enjoy this weather. It's a good day out today. I'm either, always, stuck in my office or supervising people."

Oh, "oh."

We reached his car and he opened my door for me to get in and ran over to greet his chair. He started the car and reversed out of the parking space.

"So, where to?" He brightly asked.

I bit my lip, "hm, I haven't really thought of any place."

"Good, because I have a place." He smiled as he overtake a car.

"Yeah? Where?" I asked.

He shook his head, "oh no, it's a surprise."

A surprise? A surprise. He's taking me on a surprise. I feel so special. I bit back the grin that was to come and looked at him.

"Well, then surprise me." I smiled.

"Oh, you will be." He chuckled.

I chuckled as well as we drove on.

Ten minutes later....

"Alright, here we are." Doc said as he killed the engine.

I looked out the window to see that we had parked in front of an unfamiliar building. I looked on confused.

"Where are we?" I asked.

"It's inside that counts." He got out of the car.

He came around to open my door and let me out. We both headed to what I assumed to be the entrance. When we stepped inside, my jaw had almost unhinged due to how wide my mouth was open. What we had stepped into was not just a building, but a factory. Not just a factory, but a factory that made body sprays and perfumes.

"This is so amazing!" I ran over to one of the sections where a worker was doing a scent check.

"Wow." I breathed out.

She, the worker, turned to me and smiled. "Care to do a scent check?"

I nodded, "yes!"

She laughed and handed me three pinch sized, rectangular, pieces of paper. She placed three bottles in front of me, and allowed me to spray the papers with each bottle. I picked up the first piece of paper and smelt it. It smelt really good, but a bit too boring. The second one was too cliché, I've smelt it before. The third was sweet and savory, almost as if you can taste it.

"The third one is life." I sighed as I continued sniffing.

Both doc and the nice lady, whose name was Mandy, laughed. I handed her back the papers and she thanked me.

"Thanks Mandy, enjoy the rest of your day." Doc said the same time I let out a cough. "You okay?"

I gave him a dismissive wave, "of course, don't worry."

Even though the look of concern hadn't left his features, he still nodded. "There's someone lastly I want you to meet, his parents owns this place."

"Oh yeah?" He must be loaded then.

"Yeah, follow me." He nodded in another direction.

We walked, well he walked and I followed along. We stopped in front of a door, and doc knocked onto the wood.

"Come in." A voice sounded behind the door.

Doc smiled at me and turned the knob and opened the door. "Francisco, my man!"

My eyes snapped up and met some familiar green orbs, staring up at me. "Czarina?"

"Francisco?" I breathed out just as doc asked, "you two know each other?"

"Yeah, we dated." Francisco responded.

Dated? Great, what's wrong now?

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