14. The Truth

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"Honey, is everything okay with you?" My mom asked for the umpteenth time.

The answer was still no. "Yes." I lied anyway.

"Okay, so what do you feel like eating tonight?" She asked as she began clearing the groceries away.

After that embarrassingly shocking episode at the food store an hour ago, Carlo never stopped ringing my phone. I ended things with him on the first call, but he wasn't having it.

"Anything is fine." I shrugged.

"Honey, please answer your phone." My mom threw her hands in the air.

I nodded and took my phone upstairs, answering it when I was privately alone.

"What?!" I scoffed into the speaker.

"Woah, who made you upset?" It was Francisco.

"Oh, I'm really sorry. Just, lot of stuff on my plate." I wasn't lying, that's how I felt.

"Well, would it bother you if I told you I wanna take you out tonight?" He sounded nervous which made me smile.

I sat on my bed before lying down. "I thought you were with your coach."

"That's already done with, I'm free now." He probed.

I guess it wouldn't hurt to see a familiar face again, one that I could look at all day. "Okay, sure."

"Really, great awesome!" He laughed.

I laughed also, boy did it felt nice. "You're happy.'' I teased.

"Well, any guy who got a second chance at seeing the girl he couldn't get out of his head, would be acting like me." He said.

"Well I'm flattered." I laughed.

"Good. Hey, do you remember that movie we went to see?" He asked.

"Yes, I do. I've been watching it non stop on my laptop." I admitted.

He laughed at that. "Glad I'm the cost of it, but I asked because I have a gift for you that revolves around the movie."

This surprised me. "You got me something?"

I can feel my heart beating fast and my stomach doing weird things, all of this happening inside of me.

"Yeah, why not? I intend to see that smile of yours every chance I get." He said.

"That's really sweet of you." I told him. "So, what is it?"

He laughed and I began to notice how much I was affected by the sound of his laughter.

"Oh no. You can only get this gift if I see you tonight."

I pouted. "Fine."

He chuckled. "Don't be so sad, at least you'll see me."

I scoffed. "Don't be so full of yourself."

He burst into laughter and I had to join in. "I'm kidding."

"I know, where will we be going tonight?" I asked not sure what I was going to wear.

"That's a surprise also, but dress casual." He said.

"Okay, how did you plan all of this?" I asked suspiciously.

He laughed. "Like I said, I plan to see that smile of yours and keep it there."

Before I could answer to him, I heard my mother calling out for me. I groan into the phone. I can hear Francisco chuckling.

"Sounds like you're in trouble." He teased.

"Doubt it." I laughed.

"Yeah, me too." He said, "Well, I'll let you go now. I guess I'll see you at seven?"

I nodded, forgetting that he couldn't see me. "Sure."

"Okay, bye." He said before ending the call.

I hopped out of bed to get to my mom. When I reached her, she had on an uneasy look.

"You called me?" I asked.

She nodded. "I have somewhere to be tonight, somewhere important concerning your dad-"

"-Is dad alright?"

Mom scoffed, "He's perfectly fine if you asked me."

"What's going on between the two of you? He hasn't came home since, he hasn't called, and-" but she interrupted me.

"-And I'm the blame right?!" She looked about ready to break down.

"Mom... I'm sorry."

She sighed before kissing my forehead. "I am too, this isn't your stress. I have to go now, lock up if your leaving the house as well."

"Okay bye, have fun." I smiled.

"Yeah right." She muttered before closing the door behind her.

I looked to the clock on the oven. 5:30pm. Okay, I could use this time to do my hair and put on my common minimal makeup. I ran upstairs to take a shower.


I sighed as I looked in the mirror before me. Not bad. I remember my first date. It was with my ex boyfriend, Flint from highschool. It was probably the worst one since all he did was stared at my covered chest. Idiot right?

Well, I was looking forward to this 'date' tonight and- honk! Oh crap! That must be Francisco, he's early. I checked my freshly pressed locks as I made my way over to the door.

"Someone's eager-" I started but the scene or person in front of me had completely thrown me off guard.

"Wow... You look..." He stammered.

"Why are you even here, Carlo? Shouldn't you be with whoever-her-name-is?" I asked.

He looked embarrassed to say the least, but that's too bad. He really hurt me.

"About that-" he started. Another car horn.

We both turned our heads in the same direction of the car noise. The driver of the car opened his door and I almost fell over.

"Francisco?" No, it wasn't me who greeted Francisco when he stepped over to us, it was Carlo himself.

"You two know each other?" Francisco and I simultaneously asked.

I was so confused. Hadn't they already met?

"Uh, his sister and I were good friends and went to the same hospital." I cleared my throat when Carlo couldn't wipe the surprise off of his face.

"Well, I know that. But, why is he here?" Francisco glared at Carlo.

They're expressions mirrored each others.

"Doesn't matter, I'm leaving." Carlo said as he walked across the street to his parked car.

Francisco looked at me before smiling. "You look nice, pretty."

I smiled as well as I watched Carlo speed off out of sight. "Thanks."

"Ready?" He asked as he took my hand and led me to his car.

As we got settled, he reversed out of the yard. "So.... Wanna tell me how you two really know each other?"

I swallowed before nodding.

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