10. Dr. Czarina.

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"Rise and shine!" Said a familiar voice as I groaned in annoyance.

Who was disturbing me from dreaming about Francisco? I turned over with squinted eyes as I tried to peek at the person. Before she could greet me properly, I jumped on her all too fast.

"Mom! Dad!" I screamed with glee. "What are you guys doing here?"

"Oh we're sorry we didn't call in first, but we waited too long to come see you." My mother explained.

I waved a dismissal hand in the air at her. "That's fine, you guys can come when you want."

My dad stepped foreword and placed a kiss on my forehead as he sat down on my bed next to me. "You look absolutely beautiful even more."

"Thanks dad, how have you guys been?" I asked.

My mom signed before shaking her head in thought. "Honey, we miss you so much. We miss having you around, but more importantly, we miss our baby girl."

I chuckled softly. "Mom, I'm a big girl. And I miss you all as well, but you shouldn't need to worry about me."

"I know, that's why I'm so proud of you, you're strong." She said as she patted my dad on the back.

He stood up with a big smile before embracing me in a hug. "Your mom is just soft as ever, but I'm strong enough for her. Don't worry, you're going to beat this. Even if it takes us praying all morning and all night, then so be it. I love ya darling." He said as he kissed my cheeks.

"Bye guys." I said to them before they left my room.

I sighed as I exit my bed and hurriedly went to take a bath. I started my morning routine which requires of me brushing my teeth, fixing my hair, picking out an outfit for the day, and of course my favorite, taking my medications. After that was done, I left my room to go find Ina. When I did, she decided that we should chill in the babies section. There were kids of all ages here, but they were separated by age difference, hence the reason both Ina and I were paired in the same section.

"Are we even allowed in that part?" I asked curiously as she guided the way.

"Yes, as long as we tell them we want to help out, then they're okay with it." She said as we rounded another corner.

"Oh, well now that you've mentioned it, I actually do want to help out." I said when we suddenly came to a stop.

I looked up to see Ina watching me with a look on her face. I shrugged at her.

"I like kids." I defended myself.

She just rolled her eyes as she jerked her chin in the direction in front of her. "Anyways, we're here."

I looked in front of us to find that we had indeed reached the baby section. There were doctors everywhere, walking about with either one or two babies in their hands. I gushed at the little baby trying to crawl away from the nurse as she quickly scooped him up and handed him to the doctor. He seemed to think they were playing a game as he started gurgling and thrashing around excitedly. The doctor holding the baby spotted us and came over to us.

"Can I help you ladies?" She asked as she bounced the little boy in her arms.

"Uh, my friend here loves babies and wanted to know if she could help out." Ina spoke for me.

Well she was right, but I thought she was helping out as well. I guess she had other plans.

"Oh, splendid! We could use the extra help, follow me." She said as she waved her hand for me to follow.

I trailed behind her as I turned to look at Ina who then winked at me before going in another direction. I sighed and shook my head as I followed the doctor down a hallway.

"My name's Dr. Benson, but call me doc. This little guy in my arms is my patient today, Jonah." She introduced as she tickled the little boys stomach.

"He's so adorable." I gushed as I played with his little fingers.

"Yeah, he just turned one yesterday, and he got his first shot." Dr. Benson explained as we entered a single bedroom with machines like mine. Only difference were the bed being smaller than my own.

"So, is he your only patient or do you have others?" I asked as she placed Jonah on the bed as he spread out his arms and legs.

"Oh I have others today as well, but because I need the extra help, I can only deal with this little guy for today." She said as she grabbed some papers off of a desk.

"I can help, if you don't mind. I can deal with him." I said a little too fast.

Dr. Benson laughed at my enthusiasm before nodding her head. "Sure, why not? Besides, he's already had his shot for the year and all he has to do is take his daily medications. You can spend the day with him and if there's any trouble, call me. I'll be in the emergency lab since it's my workspace. If he gets hungry, the kitchen area is right next to the bathroom you just passed. Okay, I think that's all." She said as she picked Jonah up and handed him gently to me. "He's a really great baby, you'll hardly remember he's around."

I nodded as I rocked baby Jonah in my arms as he smiled up at me. "Thanks Dr. Benson, I'll take it from here."

She laughed before leaving us alone, heading off to help the other kids in need. I looked down at Jonah before kissing his rosy cheeks. "Hey Jonah, wanna meet my friend? She'll love you."

Baby Jonah just made a sound that I took as a yes and we both headed out the door. I was so busy playing with his little fingers that I didn't realized I had bumped into something or someone. I lost balance and was falling over since I had to hold baby Jonah from falling, but before I could hit the ground, a hand gripped me by the waist and balanced me upward. I looked up to see Carlo standing there.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't see you guys there." He apologized as he looked at the baby in my arms. "Who's this?"

"This is baby Jonah, I'm helping out with the babies today since your sister ditched me for God knows what." I laughed as I made funny faces at Jonah. He seemed to be more interested with Carlo's chain around his neck.

"Hey little guy, you like this huh?" He gestured to his chain. Baby Jonah started wiggling his body as he tried to get closer to Carlo.

"I think he wants you to take him." I said a little disappointed that Carlo was ruining my day with baby Jonah.

"Oh, okay." He said hesitantly as he took the baby from my hands.

Baby Jonah started laughing as he was now closer to the chain he wanted and instantly began tugging at it. Carlo laughed as he bounced the baby softly in his arms. He looked back up at me.

"Surprise you're not missing in action." He said.

I kept my eyes on baby Jonah just so I didn't have to look up at Carlo. "Yeah, well I already had a great time yesterday. So why not take a day off?"

He just grunted and turned his attention back to the baby. "So, you like this guy huh?"

"Why do you care?" I snapped before looking around to make sure nobody was listening.

He glared at me with angry eyes. "I don't! I could care less about who interests you or whatever. You're not my girlfriend so, do whatever you want." He said as he handed baby Jonah back to me.

"Why are you so upset with me?" I asked incredulously.

"I'm not upset, more annoyed with the way you've been acting lately." He said.

"Excuse me?" I scoffed as baby Jonah just looked from me to Carlo in wonder.

"Just forget it!" Carlo snapped before he turned around and left me standing there.

I seethed in my spot as baby Jonah began giggling in my hands, which made me start to giggle as well.

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