19. The unexpected birthday gift.

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Czarina's POV:

"Ms. Bernard, are you awake?" Asked a male voice.

I rolled over onto my back, hours of lying in bed, and looked at the intruder. It was an old guy with grayish, white hair. He had a stony face, occupied with thin lips.

"I am, sir." I answered respectively.

I can't believe doc. Rami would literally changed doctors on me just so I'd stay away from Doc. I sighed just thinking about it. This is all so messed up. I'm not like this at all.

"Good, sit up." He ordered.

Gosh, did he have to be so mean? Guess years of working here pays off. I did as told and watched him. He came over to me, took out a needle and told me that he had to check my blood for caution. I allowed him, not that I had another choice. He did his thing and stood.

"Okay, I'll come to check up more on you tomorrow." And then he left.

And of course it all made sense. She, being dr. Rami, had to get me the worst doctor in the hospital and assigned him to me. I shook my head, a little smile playing about my lips.

How could I let my life come to this?

I've decided then and there, to focus fully on me. My health was more important than some sappy romance. Besides, I'm proud of myself for even being close to telling doc what I felt for him. I mean, screw him if he rejected me, and screw me for letting it bother me. If dr. Rami wanted doc, then he wasn't mine to say otherwise. Good for them, and good for me for finally realizing this and growing up. Besides, my birthday is tomorrow!

I'll be 18...

I wish Ina was here. Gosh, I miss her so much. She had became a best friend, since the original one wasn't here. Funny when you're dying, people show their real feelings towards you. Some show up, others don't. I'm okay though, I am. I love myself enough to not let others define me.

Ah, self love.

Oh, right. I was supposed to call Carlos.. I took my cellphone from the folded table near my bed and dialed his number. He picked up on the second ring.

"Hello?" His deep voice sounded.

"Hey, it's me." I said back.


"Guess you haven't saved my number." I laughed unamused.

"I'm sorry, I had to buy a new phone. The other was complete crap." He sighed.

I remembered the old phone he had. I was surprised it could even dial out.

"Yeah," I chuckled, "I remember."

"Uh, so how are you?" He asked after a short amount of silence.

I sighed into the phone, which made him chuckle, "just peachy."

"I can imagine. And your health?" He asked.

"Getting worse." I said softly.

I don't like pity, but sometimes you can't expect people to act differently to pitiful news. It's just the normalization of the matter.

He whistled, "sounds like you're turning into a punk."

This made me smile somehow, "don't be silly, I could never be you."

He laughed loudly, "okay, burn. But how am I the punk here?"

My smile faded, "because you cheated on me. Or if we were even a couple- I don't know, never mind what I said."

Idiot, Czarina idiot.

"I'm sorry.. I really am Czarina." He said with remorse.

"It's fine, I don't expect you to be comfortable with me so easily. Especially in public." I tried to reason but then realized how much we weren't for each other.

"It wasn't just that.." He said.

"Just that, so that was a reason?" I asked.

He sighed, "I don't want to fight with you..."

"Neither do I, and this isn't why I called. I mean, I did tell you I would call." I said, still annoyed.

"Yeah, thanks for that. What are you going to do for your birthday?" He asked, changing the subject.

I thought for a moment, "well, I can't leave."

He chuckled, "well, a party at a hospital won't hurt."

"You're right. But I don't want a party. I just want to make sure I'm okay." I said more to myself.

"Hm, well can't and won't blame you for that. I'm behind you on this one. I'm glad you're doing okay." He said softly.

"Thanks Carlos. Well, I better get going before a doctor comes in. I'm supposed to be getting rest." I said into the phone the same moment as Doc came into the room.

We both locked gazes..

"Okay, again I'm sorry Czarina. I hope you forgive me." He said.

I smiled, avoiding Doc's gaze, "I do forgive you, and it's okay. I better see you tomorrow."

He chuckled, "you bet your girly brain I'll be there."

We both laughed and hung up. I breathed out a slow but quiet breath as I placed my phone onto its usual spot. Doc was the first to break the ice.

"Something's happening tomorrow?" He asked nonchalantly as he flipped through his notepad.

"No." I answered shortly.

"Was that your mom and dad or something?" He asked, still flipping through pages.

He was beginning to irritate me, "or something."

This time, he looked up at me, "Czarina, we need to talk about earlier-"

"What about? I never said anything to you." I ignored his eyes.

"But I knew what was going to be said." He flatly remarked.

I scoffed, looking at him, "and? That's not my problem that you 'figured it out'."

His face became angry, "stop being immature about-"

"Don't. Don't speak to me like I'm a kid." I huffed angrily. "Why are you even here? I thought you were switched to some other patient."

He closed his eyes, as if to control his anger, "I have some good news, regarding your health."

I nodded without looking to him, "I'm listening."

"Well, they haven't told me much, but enough to make you happy. After your previous Doctor took some blood from you, they went on to check it." He stopped to look at me.

Still, I ignored him. For goodness sakes, just give me the results and leave. When I didn't look at him, he sighed and continued.

"Well, apparently, they don't have to do another testing of your blood." He said.

"Why is that?" I asked, watching my fingers.

"Because, you might be able to go home for good." He said finally.

"What?!" I asked, shocked.

"Woah, I haven't gotten all of the full details, but this could be the solution." He smiled.

I turn away, "okay thanks for telling me."

Even from my peripheral vision, I can see his frown reappear.

"Right." He said before leaving.

Forget him, I might be able to go home! Does this means that my health was actually getting better than getting worse?

I'll have to find out tomorrow morning.

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