3. Trouble swallowing.

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"It's almost nine o'clock, hurry up." I said, grabbing the popcorn and cup of apple juice. "Grab your cup over there." I told her as I made myself comfortable, holding the remote and ready to press play. We were watching pitch perfect, again. What can I say, the singing was on point.

"I'm coming!" She shouted while bringing a box of cheezits and two cans of coconut water.

"I already poured out cups of Apple juice for us, why the coconut waters?" I asked pouting.

"Oh, shush. Press the play button." She said, snuggling next to me. I chuckled and did as I was told.

We watched the whole movie until we agreed that we were both tired as hell, and decided to crash on the couch.


"Wake up! We have school. Get your lazy butt up." I heard Vivian before I felt her. I was being dragged out of my comfort zone.

"I'm up, gosh! You're so rough." I said, rubbing my arms soothingly. She just rolled her eyes at me.

I got up, begrudgingly, and started my routine for school, along with Viv. She was almost ready. Minutes later, we were done and on our way to school. Vivien was acting like a drama queen again, and I knew why.

"Time of the month?" I asked her, already knowing.

"Yes.. And I hate this." She admitted. Nothing new to me. But, she had a point. Her menstruation was severe, causing her to throw up at times. I'm just glad I don't go through that kind of pain.

"Hmm, I know what you mean. Well, here we are." I said. As we walked towards the building, I noticed something.

"Hey, when did your period started?" I asked her.

She shrugged before answering, "Yesterday, why?"

"Because.... Nothing. It's nothin, anyway let's go." I said, grabbing my gym bag. Vivian looked at me weird.

"Are you pregnant?" She simply asked.

"What? No!" I exclaimed. How on earth could she ask that. "Im still a virgin, remember?"

"I know, just checking. Boyfriend 101." She muttered. I looked around to see Flint approaching us. Great.

"He's not my boyfriend." I muttered back.

"Hey, can I talk to you?" He asked. When Vivian didn't move, he added "Alone."

I turned to Vivian and gave a look saying, 'One minute' and with that she left. I turned back to Flint, with a raised eyebrow.

He leaned in, so nobody could hear him. "Look, I'm sorry okay. I just..... It's really hard dating a still-virgin. And I'm a man with needs." He did not!

"Are you really serious right now Flint? You cheated on me all those years because I was saving myself, unlike these female dogs at this school!" I shouted, not caring who heard. Flint roughly pushed me into the wall, angry I'm sure. He was so aggressive, it scared me.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to, I was just trying to shut you up." He said, looking around. Nobody saw thank God.

"Whatever Flint, just don't bother me okay?" I said, pushing past him. I felt him roughly yanked on my arm, stopping me in my tracks.

"What the hell does that mean, huh?" He asked, looking me dead in the eye.

"It means I'm breaking up with you!" I shouted, again not caring who heard. People were starting to stare now. I was about to walk away when Flint decided to continue speaking.

"You know, I lied when I said I didn't sleep with Anastasia. I slept with her the first week you and I started dating." He stated proudly. I ignored him, and continued walking. Like I cared.

I made it to cheerleading practice in one piece. The girls were all present, except for Cassandra. I sighed and called one of the girls, Christi over. "Hey, have you seen Cassandra?" I asked her. She looked at me warily.

"Well, she left. For good." She stated.

"What do you mean, for good?" I asked.

"As in she quit. She said so just a while ago." Christi said, shaking her head.

I nodded and we went back to the other girls who were waiting. "Ok ladies. Let's get started."


"I just don't get it, you should've kicked him to the curb awhile ago. I knew I would've." Vivian announced for the hundredth time. We were at a chili dog stand waiting for our chili dogs.

"I know Viv, I know. But it's done, so let's move on." I said as I payed the man for the chili dogs.

"Sorry, I just don't like to see you get hurt." She said, looking over at me. I knew she was only looking out for me, and I appreciated that.

"Thanks, I appreciate that." I told her truthfully as I bit down into my dog. That sounded gross.

"You're welcome." She said, already munching on her chili dog.

I was having a hard time swallowing my food every now and then and it was very uncomfortable. I started coughing uncontrollably. Vivian looked at me worriedly. "I'm okay. Sorry." I assured her.

"So, I was supposed to tell you about this party tonig-"

"-not going." I said, cutting her off. She looked annoyed at that.

"Look, I'm not staying home at your house all night. And on a Friday night as well." She said, shaking her head.

"Fine, fine. This always happens. Anyway, whose party is it? And if you say Cassandra, I'm not going." I told her right off the bat. She chuckled at that.

"Relax, in fact, this girl doesn't even like Cassandra. It's Gina's eighteenth birthday." She said, almost done with her chili dog. My throat was on fire, and the swallowing was making it worst.

"Oh, I like Gina. She's nice. And I'm definitely going." I told her, trying to hide a cough that was escaping.

"You okay? You've been coughing all day, and you haven't even finished your chili dog." She said, wiping her mouth with a tissue. She was right, I have been coughing all day, but the worst part of it all was trying hard to swallow my food.

"No, I'm okay." I lied. I was spotting all week as well, non stop. And it scared me.

"Are you sure? You should get that cough checked." She said as she threw her garbage away.

"It's probably nothing big. Anyways, about this party. What are we wearing?" I asked. Her face lit up at that.

"Ooh, I almost forgot about that. Hmm, I might have a few things. We can always swap, or shop. Either is fine." She said, forgetting about our previous conversation. Was she right? Did I really needed a doctors appointment for this cough. Sometimes I even felt like throwing up.

"Earth to bestie! Wake up." I was snapped back to reality, of course Viv had to dramatically snap her fingers in my face.

"What?" I asked confused.

"I was saying, I hope there a some cute guys there. Would love to meet a handsome knight and shining armor." She sighed. Drama queen.

"Or Brad Pitt." I suggested. She was sure in a good mood now, her menstruated cramps must've died down.

"Okay, let's go home so we can get ready, or at least know what we're wearing. The party doesn't start until seven." She said as we went back to my car and headed home.


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