13. Fairytales

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"You have to go, my parents will murder me if they found you here." I swat at his now clothed chest.

"Okay, I'm leaving." He pouted. "Can I at least get another kiss goodbye?"

I laughed but nodded. I stood on the tip of my toes before our lips connected, sending shivers up and down my spine. The moment we pulled apart, a knock came at the door.

"Go!" I whispered. "Be careful."

He winked at me before climbing down my window, and out of sight. I sighed and went to open my door.

"Mom, hey." I smiled at her morning face. She didn't look too good. "Are you okay?"

"Your dad and I got into a little fight the other day, but I'm okay." She tried to give me a smile.

"And dad?" I folded my arms across my chest. "Where is he?"

She sighed tiredly before turning to leave, but still answered as I tag along. "He's spending the week at his mom's."

"What, why? What did you guys fight about that's so much for him to sleep out?" I asked incredulously.

She shook her head, "I don't want to go back to that..."

"Okay, well if you need me, I'm here." I smiled at her as I grabbed the box of cereals.

"Oh, did you remembered to take your medication? You have a lot to take."

"Oh, I almost forgot. I'll go grab them." I said before running off to my room.

As soon as I got there, my cellphone started buzzing indicating that I had a call. I quickly picked it up without bothering to look at the screen.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hey gorgeous." Said the familiar voice.

"Francisco?" I asked in disbelief.

"Sorry, I should've texted you first, I didn't mean to surprise you. Well, I did, but in a good way." He went off.

"It's okay, it's nice to hear from you again. So, how's football?" I asked as I found the last bottle of pills I needed.

"That's actually why I called, our team is playing in your city Saturday. I wanted to invite you to a game, if of course your'e free." He hesitantly suggested.

Do I have any plans.... No. "Sure, sounds great."

"Awesome! Man, you just made my day. Oh, yeah, how are you doing?" He asked as I heard some voices in his background.

I made my way downstairs, but my mother was on the phone with an angry expression. She caught me looking and hurried out of the room. Okay?

"Uhm, yh. Well, I'm doing great really. Hospital let me out, so I'm just enjoying my freedom." I admitted as I mixed my cereal.

"Wow, that's incredible. I knew you were strong like that. I guess that's why I fell in love with you the first week." He nervously chuckled.

I almost choked on the last bit of my cereal before rubbing the burning spot in my chest. I drank some orange juice out of my glass before speaking.

"Um, Francisco, look-"

"-I know, I shouldn't say all of this when I ended things before I left. But I was so in love with you that I couldn't bring myself to leave you in another country, while I'm in the other, and still be together. That's wrong for you, you deserve to be happy. " I see where he was coming from, but Carlos....

"But regardless, your'e still in another country..." I couldn't tell him about Carlos, it'll crush him.

He sighed, "Actually..."

"What?" I narrowed my eyes, though he can't see me.

"I switched teams... So now, I'll be playing in your country now." He confessed.


"Because, I guess I want to see you more often." He stated.

I don't know why, but I was growing annoyed at the second. "Oh."

"Look, I understand if you don't want to hang out, I wouldn't blame you. But, please don't get rid of me." My heart sting a little at that.

"Of course not." I softly reply.

"Good, Uh I have to go. Coach is drilling us for Saturday. I'll call you tonight." He said.

"Oh- Yeah sure." I quickly answered feeling caved in.

"Bye beautiful." He whispered.

"Bye..." I whispered back. The line went dead.

"Oh dear.." I sighed.

"What's wrong?" I jumped at the sound of my mom's voice before holding my wild heart.

"Mom! Goodness, heart attack much?" I shook my head, unscrewing the cap off of my medicine bottles.

"Sorry, I thought you heard me come in. I'm heading to the grocery store, wanna come?" She asked as she jingle her keys in the air.

"Sure, let me grab a sweater." She nodded as I ran to grab a sweater.

[ At The Store ]

"Mom, can we please get some more yogurts, I miss em." My mom nodded as she concentrated on her mini shopping list .

"Do we have milk home?" She asked as she picked it up anyways. She always did this, so I never answer her.

"I love this song." I said referring to the music playing throughout the store. It was Demons by Imagine Dragons.

"Okay, sweetie can you go pick up some detergent through the third isle please?" She pointed a finger in the direction she wanted me to go.

"Sure mom." I said as I effortlessly walked towards the direction I was shown.

As I neared the isle, turning through it, I stopped dead in my tracks before hiding behind a large cutout of the kool-aid man. I peeked around the corner to make sure I was seeing things. It was Carlos, holding hands with some girl. She had long, black hair, green eyes I'm sure, and a body that candice swanepoel would envy. Maybe I'm going in over my head, but I don't like the way he's holding her hand. Should I walk up to them, just to see what he'd say or do? No. I want to see if this girl holds any ties with him. My intentions came true when the girl stood on her toes, and kissed his cheeks. She was smiling, twirling her manicured fingers around a lock of her black hair. My stomach dropped at what happened next, in front of me. This time, Carlos dipped his head down and gave the girl a hot kiss. On the lips. And believe me when I said it was long and steamy. The girl started giggling-

"Czarina?!" My mother shouted behind me, causing me to jump forward and into sight.

I wanted so badly to rush back behind the kool-aid man and beg him to hide me again, but it was too late. Carlos was already watching me with shock eyes, as I too, tried so hard not to cry.

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