12. Racing with time.

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1 month later.

It has been a month since I left the hospital. My best friend from school doesn't visit anymore, my ex boyfriend got some girl pregnant, and I missed my own graduation. My life is awesome. It was midnight and Mom and dad was soundly asleep as I turned out my light. I rest my head on my pillow as I closed my eyes.


I opened my eyes before closing them back.

Thump.... Thump..

I threw the covers off of me and stood to my feet. I realized the thumping was coming from my window. I made my way over before unlatching the lock and sliding it up, pushing my curtains aside. I peered down to see a familiar face frowning at me.

''So that's it huh? You just leave without anybody knowing? The hell with us, right?'' He shouted.

''Keep your voice down, Carlos!'' I hissed.

''Can I come up, there's something I need to tell you.'' He panted heavily.

I nodded and stood back for him to climb up in my room. When his feet touched the grounds of my bedroom, he swiftly turned to face me. That's when I noticed it. He was crying. His tear stained face held so much regret and sorrow. But the most I got from his expression was pain.

''Carlos what's wrong? What happened?'' I panicked.

''I... I don't even want to repeat it, I don't ever want to speak of it...'' He said as fresh tears sprang from his eyes.

My hands connected with his soft cheeks as I massaged them to comfort him. ''Talk to me.''

He looked at me for what seemed like forever before sighing. ''My sister's dead.''

My hands dropped from his face as my eyes tried to escape their sockets. I don't think I heard him correctly. I wanted to ask him to repeat himself, but my mouth wasn't ready to work. He took my silence as a shock to my ears because he was the one comforting me now. My body became stiff and my mind kept showing me pictures of a lifeless Ina in a coffin.

''No...'' I whispered.

''I know...'' He whispered back.

I didn't know when this happened, but we were seated on the floor cross legged. I leaned my back against my bed as he sat in front of me. His head tilted to the side as I closed my eyes to control my breathing.

''Cool tube, needs a few stickers though.'' He said. I guess he was trying to lighten up the mood.

I opened my eyes and look down next to me to find the handle of my breathing tube sticking out from underneath my bed. I pulled it out and placed it in my lap, hooking the tube to my nose. I needed oxygen.

''Thanks. So...'' I began.

''You still seeing him?'' He was talking about Francisco.

''Nah...'' I ran my fingers over cold material of my tube.

''Oh...'' He replied.

''So, what are you going to do now?'' I asked him referring to everything that happened.

''Well, I definitely have to look after my Mom. She didn't take the news too well.''

''God, this is so messed up. When did she.....'' I didn't want to say that last part.

''The day you left.''

''I went looking for you guys before I left. But I couldn't find neither of you. I'm really sorry I wasn't there Carlos.''

His rough fingers touch my cheeks, wiping away the tears I had not intended to bring. I closed my eyes, loving the feeling of his touch.

''Open your eyes.'' He softly demanded.

When I obeyed, his face was very close to mine. However, I did not mind. He stared into my eyes before opening his mouth to speak.

''I like you, a lot.'' He said.

We held each others gaze for what seemed like forever.

''I like you a lot, too.'' I admitted before he leaned closer.

''Can I kiss you?'' He asked.

I nodded and instantly closed my eyes when his soft lips greeted mines. It felt like I was a normal person again. Besides, this kiss is much more compared to the one I got from Francisco. Sure it was good and Francisco was most definitely a good kisser, but Carlos...

We pulled apart after a while and inside, I was disappointed. We just stayed there, looking into each others eyes, forgetting about the bad news.

"Sorry I was an idiot all those days." He finally spoke.

I gave him a small smile before nodding. "S'okay."

He chuckled softly before sighing deeply. He tried to hold back a yawn before lying on the floor.

"Wanna stay the night, you'll have to leave early though. My parents can't find you here." I stood to my feet going over to my closet.

"Sure and thanks." He stood as well.

I dug into my closet, looking for some extra sheets for Carlos to lie on. When I didn't find any I turned around to face him. Only thing is he was already lying in my bed, comfortably.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Going to sleep." He shrugged.

"No- in my bed?" I rolled my eyes.

"Yes, you gonna comfort me or watch me cry myself to sleep?" He patted the space next to him on the bed.

The thought of watching cry himself to sleep was depressing and heartbreaking. "Fine, but only because I ran out of sheets."

"Sure, we'll use that excuse then." He smirked.

I giggled before joining him on the bed.

"Can I take my shirt off?" He hesitantly asked.

I nodded, not trusting my voice.

"Thanks." He smiled before pulling his shirt above his head and onto my bedroom floor.

"Night." He said as he pecked my lips.

'Goodnight." I smiled as my head found his chest, bare chest, before getting comfortable. Nice.

We both stayed like this for the remaining of the night, enjoying each others company. Of course I was the first to fall asleep, dreaming about a special someone.

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