15. The truth (cont'd)

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Czarina's PoV:

Czarina's PoV:

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"We, uh... It's stupid really." I swallowed.

I peeked a glance at Francisco, but his expression was expressionless. I sighed before turning in my seat to face him.

"He and I dated, or if I could even call it that." I said.

He threw a quick look my way, "why do you say that?"

"Well," I shrugged, "all we ever did was share a kiss, once. He had a girlfriend at the time, I think."

He shook his head, "sounds complicated. So, what made you two end things?"

I looked out of the window as he drove down the smooth gravel road, "I caught him kissing another girl at the store. Worst time of my life." I said.

Francisco said nothing for a long time and the quietness was beginning to suffocate me. I looked over at him with a smile. "Look, tonight it is just you and I, no Carlo."

He pulled into a parking space in front of a pizza place. After killing the engine, he looked my way. "I'd like that."

His smile made me relax instantly, but my chest started tightening in on me. I bit my lip, trying hard to ignore the pain. Francisco was already out of the car and by my side in an instant. I smiled at him as he took my hand in his. We walked towards the entrance and inside the place. The smell of real pizza smack me in the face and I diligently welcomed it.

"I love pizza." I sighed and Francisco laughed.

"Wait till you taste these ones, they're homemade and Italian." He whispered in my ear.

I laughed softly at that as we were seated in a boot. Francisco reached for a menu before
handing me the other. I thanked him before opening it up and scanning the various toppings of pizzas.

"See anything you like?" Francisco asked me as my eyes scanned a name in the menu.

"Hmm, what do you recommend?" I asked him as I turned the hard page of the menu.

"Get the spicy garlic, you'll thank me later." He winked in my direction.

I chuckled, "okay, spicy garlic it is. But don't get grossed out when I get bad breath."

His chest roared with laughter as a waitress came over. "Promise."

"You guys ready to order?" The waitress whose name tag read 'Susan', asked with a nice face.

"We'll have two large pizzas please, one spicy garlic and the other fried mushrooms." Francisco said as the waitress nodded and took our menus away.

"Okay, and to drink?" She asked.

I spoke up, "I'll just have water, please."

"You sure?" Asked Francisco. I nodded and he shrugged. "Well, I'll have a large Coke."

"Perfect, I'll be back with those orders." Susan smiled and left our tables.

Francisco looked over at me with a small smile. "You look really pretty tonight."

"Thank you, mr. Random." I giggled.

He shook his head at me as he leaned back in his chair. "I meant it."

Okay, now he was making me blush. "I know, thank you. You look very nice too."

He winked the same time I wheezed a little bit, making it embarrassing. He must've missed it since he leaned forward with a smile.

"Guess what?" He asked.


"I've seen you cheer before."

My eyes widen, "what, when?"

He smirked, "I don't really remember when exactly, but you looked good."

"Liar, you don't even go to my school." I rolled my eyes at him.

He chuckled softly, "I don't, but my cousin does."

"Oh, really?" I smiled. "Who's your cousin?"

"Flint, you probably don't know him, but yeah we're cousins." He said the same time our pizzas arrived.

I bit down, hard, on my lips as I prayed to God he meant a different Flint. There are lots of 'Flints' in the world, but only one in my school.

"You okay?" He asked with concern, probably noticing my change in mood.

"Uh, yeah. I was just thinking about how much food this is to scarf down in one night." Or you know, trying to change the subject.

"Oh, yeah, you can just carry some for your mom." He laughed as he dug in, me along with him.

I nodded, happy the subject was changed. The pizza was amazing like he had said. This was why Italian food was my favourite.

"So, you know Flint?" He asked with a mouthful of pizza.

"Huh?" I pretended I couldn't understand him speak.

He swallowed before looking at me, "sorry, I asked if you knew my cousin, Flint?"

"Um, I'm not as sure..." I half lied. Part of it was true, maybe there was another Flint.

"Well, I assumed you knew him since he dated one of the cheerleaders on your team." He said as he wiped his mouth.

Was he playing a wicked game on me, or not? "So how come you don't know his ex girlfriend since he's your cousin?"

He shrugged, "because every time I would ask to see his girlfriend, he would shh me. He didn't want his ex or the 'other girls' to know his cheating skills. I heard the whole school knew, what a dummy."

"I need to use the bathroom, I'll be right back." I got up quickly as I headed towards the ladies room.

I barged inside, holding my head. There was nobody inside any of the stalls so I took my time collecting my thoughts. How on earth could I be so stupid ? Ugh, God! Flint, really? I sighed dramatically, walking over in front of the mirror. I would normally splash water on my face, but I was wearing makeup. My head started pounding terribly hard, causing my eyes to see double. I blinked a few times, or maybe ten times, before I regain my sight. Just as I was done mentally breaking down, a soft knock came at the door. I looked around remembering I was alone, and went to exit the room.

"Hey, I was starting to get worried." Francisco said the moment I step foot into the open.

"Sorry, I was-"

"-your nose, it's bleeding." He said sounding alarmed.

"What?" I reached for the iron straw holder and took a look. Oh my God....

Francisco stood to his feet, helping me up as well. "C'mon, let's get you to the hospital."

"No, I'm fine. Just take me home." I said a bit snappy.

He said nothing but nodded as he and I walked back to his car. I blinked back tears as I could feel my eyes becoming heavy. My head was spinning every image my eyes took in.

"Hey, stay with me, Czarina?" I heard Francisco's voice echoing.

I tried to speak but only managed a whimper as my eyesight went numb with blackness.

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