4. Coughing.

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Czarina's PoV:

"Okay, how do I look?" Vivian asked me, as she checked herself out in my floor length mirror. I nodded, saying she looked great. She did actually. She wore a cute teal colored dress with some sexy black heels.

I, on the other hand, wore a white floral dress that stopped mid thighs. I thought I looked good as well. "Okay Viv, let's go." I told her, grabbing my purse and heading out my room door.

"Did you remember to lock up the house?" She asked as we both got in the car. I nodded, starting up the engine. "Perfect."

We finally arrived at the party, which was really crowded. My throat started burning again, and I couldn't stop the cough that was threatening to escape. "Maybe we should go inside instead of staring at the house all day." I said to Viv before we went inside.

The house was huge enough for two hundred people. There were teenagers everywhere and half of them didn't belong to our school. Gina spotted us before we did her. "You came! Thank you so much." She said, with a big smile on her face.

"Of course we did, and happy birthday." I said to her. She thanked us again and told us to enjoy the party.

"I'm gonna go get something for us to drink. Don't worry I know, no alcohol." Vivian said as she left my side. Now I was alone.

I decided not to leave this spot since Viv was soon coming back, and she could find me. I just looked around the room and silently checked everyone out. There were lots of girls wearing close to nothing, and guys enjoying the view. Some people drank out of those red solos, others out of the bottle itself. I looked around some more until I saw a glimpse of Flint, walking upstairs with some brunette. Some people never change. I was glad I wasn't head over heels for him, it would cause me emotional distress on my part.

"Here you go Czari." I turned to see Vivian handing me a white plastic cup. I'm guessing the red ones were for the alcohol, while the white, plastic ones were for beverages with no alcohol.

"Thanks Viv." I said while taking the cup from her. I sipped it before realizing it was goombay. I loved goombay, but I was even having a hard time swallowing it. It's liquid for christ sake.

"What? You don't want the goombay?" Vivian asked as she noticed me not drinking it. I shook my head before coughing.

"No, I have to pee. Be right back." I told her as I turned around, searching for the bathroom.

I was in a fit of coughs as I neared the bathroom, catching unwanted attention. Some people asked if I was okay, others probably thought I couldn't handle my drink. When I reached the door, I opened it and stumbled inside. The light was off and the air was musky. I starting wheezing loudly, scaring myself. Lights turned on.

"What the hell?!" Yelled a females voice. I looked up and sure enough it was a girl, wrapped in sheets on a bed. She wasn't alone either. There was a guy, black tousled hair, full lips and a very sexy face. But now wasn't the time.

"Hey, you okay there?" The guy asked. He had an English accent. I must've looked and sounded ridiculous.

"I'm fine." I wheezed out. I heard the girl muttered something before walking out the door.

"No, you're not. You're bleeding everywhere. It's on your clothes." He said, running towards me.

Oh no, not my clothes. Why couldn't I wear a black dress instead? The guy placed his hands on my back and helped me to stand. He told me to stand straight and hold my mouth. I thought blood was coming from my nose, but it was coming from my mouth. He walked me towards the door, leaving drops of blood behind. When we emerged from the room, many gasps were heard and many bodies were fleeing. We made it downstairs before Vivian came into view. I pulled away from the guy and stood by Vivien.

"Oh my goodness! What happened?!" She gasped out. I couldn't talk because I couldn't breathe properly.

"She might be sick, really sick." The guy said. He had a deep voice and was really tall.

"Oh my God, Z, I'm so sorry. I should've checked on you." She said. I nodded, letting her know it's okay.

"Come on, we have to take her to a hospital fast. This isn't good." The guy said.

"How do you know, and who are you?" Vivian asked at once. I wanted to know too.

"I just know, and my name is Carlo." We were now outside.

"Well thanks, Carlo. I'll take it from here. "Vivian said as she pointed at my car.

"Okay, well see ya." Carlo said as Vivian took my purse to retrieve my keys. She helped me towards my car.

She helped me inside the passenger seat and made her way to the drivers seat. With that being done, we drove off onto the road.

|At The Hospital|.

The moment we arrived at the hospital, doctors were pulling me away. I guess the bloody dress did the speaking. They placed me on a rolling bed, and rolled me into a room. I heard all kinds of voices around me and it spooked me. We reached a room, and they placed me in another bed, with bright lights in my face. I squinted an eye and started coughing again.

"Okay, I need a tube now!" One doctor shouted. I couldn't read their faces, they were covered in that funny mask thing. But I can read eyes, and they all avoided mines.

"What's wrong with me?" I asked one of the doctors who looked calmed. He wasn't wearing the mask thing, but he still looked calm.

He smiled at me, "You're going to be fine, we'll tell you when all is right." He said, turning to leave. "Okay guys, give her room to breathe." He said before leaving.

Another doctor came up to me with a needle in hand, "Okay this might hurt a bit, but I have to dose you. It's like sleeping pills." She said. I nodded, but realized I had a question. It was too late and the needle was in deep. Before I could speak, my brain left my body, and my eyes left reality. Blackout.

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