pg 3

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Her trusted Right hand Girl, Sasha, rushed into her office, her usually composed  Soft expression clouded with urgency. "Boss, we have a situation. A low-level criminal from a rival gang attempted to steal from our territory," he informed, his voice tense with concern.

paige's eyes narrowed, and her instincts kicked into high gear. "Find him. I want this Scumbag brought to me immediately," she commanded, her voice betraying none of the emotions bubbling beneath the surface.

Sasha nodded and swiftly organized a team to track down the thief. The chase was on, and as paige followed the trail of breadcrumbs, her heart pounded with a mix of anger and determination. She wouldn't tolerate any challenges to her authority, regardless of the thief's rank or affiliation. The pursuit led them through dimly lit alleys and deserted streets, the shadows seeming to conspire against their prey. paige's agile movements kept her close on the thief's heels, her years of training and experience serving her well in the dangerous game of cat and mouse.

Finally, they cornered the thief in an warndown abandoned warehouse. As paige's eyes locked with the desperate criminal, she saw fear mingled with arrogance, a dangerous combination that could lead to reckless decisions.

A punch to his face sends him plummeting to the ground. Stunned, she points at the criminal and signals for her right hand girl to quickly gather the entire team to tie him up. they find a Metal Rusty pole as he squirms, paige crouches down in front of him and grabs him by the throat, her sharp, red stiletto nails lightly pressing against his skin.

"You thought you could steal from me and get away with it?" paige's voice was cold and measured, her gaze unwavering as she closed in on him.

"I did.... didn't know you'd be so relentless, i mean you..r a girls" the thief stammered, trying to regain some semblance of composure.

"You thought I was just a girl, a weak little girl  who wouldn't fight back," paige retorted, her voice laced with ice as a smirk appears on her face. "You underestimated me, and that was your biggest mistake." 

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