pg 30

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paige passed the notebook to poppy and asks her to finalise the last details she need in order to confront marcello. and a few more week go by paige keep pretending but start having discussion with Sasha and other members of her faction. Paige starts to think marcello knows something if off. she decided that tonight was the night she confront him. 

That evening she decide to go on a date with marcello the evening goes as plan they have dinner and go about their same old date route.  Marcello confronted Paige about her strange behavior recently, that he thought it might be caused by overworking, that she might need a break after everything that happened before and after the wedding. Over the course of the wedding, she had been building up anger, and this comment triggered it. 

she confronted Marcello about the notebook. He looked stunned and tried to explain, but the damage had been done. paige's world crumbled around her as she realized that the person she loved had been playing a dangerous game all along.

"What did you hope to achieve?" paige's voice was cold and filled with hurt. "Did you plan to use me to further your own ambitions?".  Just then poppy arrive and hand a folder to paige,paige nodded and poppy stepped back. Marcello's face contorted with regret and sorrow. "Paige, I never wanted to hurt you," he pleaded. "I love you." She cut him off and begin to shout.

"Do you really think i that stupid to fall for your lies, i had my susception even sasha warned me by i gave you the benefit of the dough since i wanted to complete my father's legacy but not anymore."

 "I trusted you," Paige whispered, her voice breaking. "But you broke that trust, and now I can't see a way forward." she get up walks up to marcello she grab him by the fac and looks him dead in the eyes soulless."you have 1 day head start and then i'm coming for you."

The shadows of their world seemed to close in around them as Paige made her decision. The union she had fought for now felt like a facade, a hollow promise of unity. She knew she had to act swiftly to protect her empire and the alliance she had worked so hard to build.

With a heavy heart, Paige made a difficult announcement the next day. The union was over. The factions would once again be divided, and the fragile bonds that had been forged were shattered.

As word spread, tensions escalated, and chaos ensued. Factions that had stood together now turned against each other, and the city was engulfed in a wave of violence and fighting.Paige was forced to take drastic measures to maintain control over her empire.

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