pg 34

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she rubs the salt into his open wound and presses in deep in their, you can see for his eyes he its painful. the enforcer realise his hand for marcello"i never through you could be this  harsh" he snaps. " oh hunny you made me this way when you betrayed me."her words cut like a knife on a chopping board. 

Paige's gaze remained unwavering, her face a mask of both pain and resolve. "You were my most trusted ally," she said, her voice tinged with bitterness. "We were family. But you chose to stab me in the back."

The enforcer hesitated, torn between his loyalty to Marcello and the undeniable truth in Paige's words. He had seen the darkness that consumed Marcello, and now, he saw the fierce strength that burned within Paige.

With a deep breath, Paige composed herself, channeling her emotions into a steely determination. "I won't be brought down by betrayal," she declared, her voice firm. "I built this empire from the ground up, and I won't let anyone tear it apart.  As the tension in the room escalated,Paige's allies stood firm, ready to defend their leader if need be. The enforcer glanced between Paige and Marcello, torn by conflicting loyalties. He knew he had to make a choice.

In a sudden twist of fate, the enforcer turned away from Marcello, taking a step towards Paige. "You're right," he admitted, his voice heavy with regret. "I trusted the wrong person." Marcello's face contorted with rage, his grip on his wounded shoulder tightening. "You traitor!" he seethed.But the enforcer shook his head. "No, I'm done with your lies and deceit," he retorted. "Paige is the true leader here. I won't stand by you any longer. 

she smerk"see even those who you thought was your allice turn against you  when they see what a true leader looks like. " With a nod of gratitude, Paige acknowledged the enforcer's choice. "Welcome to my side," she said, her voice strong. "Together, we'll rebuild this alliance stronger than ever." Marcello's eyes blazed with fury, realizing that his once-unbreakable empire was now crumbling before him. He lunged forward, intent on one final act of defiance, but Paige was ready.

Let's see if you can survive, this gun only had 2 bullets, so it's time to finish you.

Everybody went silent as Paige pulled the trigger, waiting for the gun to kill her, but there was no blood. After pointing it at Marcello, she pulls the trigger and nothing happens. This game continues until Paige gets bored and reaches for the poopy gun and decides to shoot him point blank in the head. The world goes silent and the night turns cold as the gun fires. They delivered the body to his parents' home without speaking a word that night to demonstrate their victory. 

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