pg 4

10 1 0

In that moment, the thief realized the gravity of his folly, but it was too late. paige's reputation as a leader was not unfounded, and she was determined to prove that she was not to be trifled with. 

" lets see if you still think im a Weak little girl when i take those lovely finger from you and use it as my new Necklace".

Without hesitation, she swiftly drew a sharp butterfly knife from her waist and held it to the thief's hand. "You took something that doesn't belong to you, and Now I'll take Something from you, after all you'll need learn that actions have consequences."

The thief's eyes widened with panic, realizing the price he would pay for his audacity. "Please, have mercy," he begged, his bravado evaporating.

"There's no room for mercy"paige replied, her voice unyielding. "Consider this a lesson you won't forget."

With a swift, decisive motion, she hacks off one of the thief's fingers, and a cry of pain echoed through the warehouse. The thief's eyes filled with tears as he cradled his injured hand, the lesson etched into his very being.

"You should have thought twice before crossing me, you worthless, short sack of shit "paige said sternly, her message delivered with brutal clarity She point to the rops and sasha unties him. paige swiftly drab him a crossed the room and digs her nails into his leg as she leans closer to him she whispers Sternly. 

"Now, get the Fucks out of my sight before you lose the Right finger's too," He quickly Get up and begin to scarper away paige cries out after him "remember this day as a reminder of what happens when you underestimate a woman."

Silence linged in the air,paige's heart felt heavy with the weight of her actions. She knew the path she had chosen demanded toughness and ruthlessness, but she couldn't help but wonder if there was a different way, a path where her heart's yearnings could find solace. paige Turn to face everyone and is Approached by one of her Lackies who hand her a box. she nods and heads back to her compound.

paige look out the large office window,as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting its orange glow upon the city's skyline, paige Receives a text message, It was a cryptic invitation to a clandestine gathering, signed only with the initial "M."

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