Pg 22

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" friends, how poetic you think that after what you did to me". Sasha step out from the shadow and stood alone in front of us. "I see you have company, how you and here I thought you was powerful and could handle me on your own.guess I was right about you." Her sharp tounge cuts paige like a knife. 

Paige steps forwards but marcello try to stop her she take his hand away and give him a look that says I've got this. "So you wanna have a battle then a one on one?". 

Paige's heart wavered, hurt by Sasha's betrayal, but she remained resolute. "I may have trusted you, Sasha, but I won't make that mistake again," she replied, her voice stern.

sasha begins to sing"  was angry with my friend; 

I told my wrath, my wrath did end.

I was angry with my foe: 

I told it not, my wrath did grow. 

And I waterd it in fears,

Night & morning with my tears: 

And I sunned it with smiles,

And with soft deceitful wiles. 

And it grew both day and night. 

Till it bore an apple bright.  And my foe beheld it shine, And he knew that it was mine. 

And into my garden stole, 

When the night had veild the pole; 

In the morning glad I see; 

My foe outstretched beneath the tree. 

You should know that poem after all you taught me it,not long after your farther passed if I remember rightly?!". 

Paige held back tear as she knew what sasha meant by those words.

"OK sasha if it a battle you want it's a battle you will get, she looks back at marcello and wink. He knew the plan was on and taps his watch to give the other the go ahead. 

*Enforcer 1"its go time let end this operation team move out".* 

And both sasha and paige prep for their battle no one know who will rain victorious.

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