Pg 19

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*knock knock*

 "yes you may come in quickly now," Paige said confidently with a smile on her face. after hours of Question and testing paige settled on her new Right-hand Girl. " you Red haired girl what's your name." paige snaps. "its.. poppy boss" the girl quickly responds. 

"poppy,cute name, you our currently my new temporary right hand girl you will be incharge of making sure  im safe, assisting serving mke and making sure if i need you.. your their is that clear?" she said her word sharp like knife's. "yes Boss,may i just say i'm grateful for this chance". 

Over the following days, Poppy proved herself to be efficient and dedicated in her role as Paige's temporary right-hand girl. She was attentive to Paige's needs, always one step ahead, and showed an unwavering loyalty to her new boss. As time passed, Paige couldn't help but notice the stark contrast between Poppy's approach and Sasha's. While Sasha had been like family, Poppy was more professional and reserved, which suited Paige's current focus on her duties.

One evening, as Paige was reviewing documents in her private room, Poppy knocked gently on the door before entering. "Boss, here are the latest reports on the rival factions," she said, handing over a stack of files.   *meanwhile Sasha Watches Poppy from a distance.*

Paige nodded, impressed with Poppy's efficiency. "Thank you, Poppy. You're doing a great job," she acknowledged, a hint of warmth in her voice. Poppy smiled, a sense of pride evident in her eyes. "I'm honored to be working with you, Boss," she replied, her respect for Paige evident. 

One night, as Paige was preparing to leave for a meeting, Poppy entered her room. "Boss, I've arranged for additional security for the meeting tonight," she said, her expression serious. Paige nodded in approval. "Good work, Poppy. It's crucial that we take every precaution," she replied, appreciating Poppy's thoroughness.

As the meeting concluded, Paige was satisfied with the outcome, but she couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. On their way back to their headquarters, Paige decided to confront Poppy about her suspicions. 

"Poppy, I need to ask you something," she said, her tone serious. Poppy looked surprised but attentive. "Of course, Boss. What is it?" she asked. Paige paused, choosing her words carefully. 

"I have a feeling that there might be someone within our ranks who is not entirely loyal,Paige paused, choosing her words carefully. "I have a feeling that it might be sasha, she been acting strange since your temporary demoted her" she said. 

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