pg 10

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As the weeks passed, paige couldn't shake the lingering feeling of doubt that clung to her decision to form an alliance with Marcello. The allure of increased power and resources was tempting, but the cost weighed heavily on her conscience. Sasha, her trusted confidante, had always been her anchor in the storm, but lately, Isabella noticed a subtle shift in her friend's demeanor.

Late one night, as the city's neon lights flickered outside her window, paige found herself deep in thought. Sasha's unease gnawed at her, and she knew she had to address it.

She invited Sasha to her private room, and the air seemed tense as they faced each other, unspoken words hanging between them like a fragile thread. "Sasha, we've been through so much together. I can't ignore that something is bothering you," paige began, her voice gentle yet determined.

Sasha hesitated, her gaze avoiding paige's for a moment before she finally spoke, "It's not easy to put into words, paige. I've always supported you, but this alliance with Marcello... I can't help but feel that it's changing you."

"change me, it's only been a few weeks since i agree to marcello alliance, why i appreciate your Opinions' i think this is a steach". paige said why gritting her teeth.

paige i think this ugly creepy guy is no good special for you " sasha snaps back quickly. paige expression change and she and walk towards sasha and pusher her into the chair "Sasha i am your boss,and this convocation is over if  you utter one more word about marcello whether direct or not i will turn de-promote you, clear".

As Sasha's tears fell like shards of shattered trust,paige step back as Shasha quickly got up from the chair, her body trembling with a mixture of anger and heartbreak. Without a word, she excused herself, her footsteps echoing down the empty corridor as she rushed away, leaving the door wide open behind her. paige stood there, the weight of her actions heavy on her shoulders. Her thoughts were in disarray, torn between her loyalty to her family and her desire to protect her friendship with Sasha. The shadows of power seemed to grow darker, threatening to consume the light that had once guided her. 

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