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S E C R E T O  D E  A M O R | MO'H

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S E C R E T O D E A M O R | MO'H

"Tease me por favor."

Chapter four:

• • •

I woke up to the sound of chattering and the smell of cooked meat. I hummed not wanting to get up but the sun coming through the cracks of the curtains were telling me to start the day. I stretch as much as I can leaving me out of breath. I got up from bed and immediately felt dizzy unable to see. Drinking so much alcohol gave me a nice gift in the morning: a hangover. I placed my hand onto my forehead trying to control myself from this headache. As my eyesight cleared up and adjusted to the light in the room, I noticed the bed sheets aren't the same as the ones I have on. Then it hits me, I'm in someone's house.

I looked around where I was noticing the room didn't look like my bedroom whatsoever. It was a basic room, maybe it was a guest room. Even if it was, the room only had a twin bed with a body mirror, a round carpet with a small coffee table, and with a couple of modern paintings hanging on the wall.

I scoot myself to the edge to put on the boots I had worn last night. Getting up from the bed, I looked at myself in the mirror to see if I need to adjust anything before heading out the door. I hummed, taking my purse and phone from the coffee table and leaving the room to find the front door.

The chatter and laughter grew louder as I walk through a hallway with different sizes of portraits. I peeked in the corner to see if anyone was there. Sabrina, Marie, and Jocelyn were up sitting around the island table.

Jocelyn with her messy dark brown bun, holding her fork in one hand but hasn't touched her food. Marie with braided highlights, slouched as she hold her cup of coffee. And Sabrina, with her cherry red hair giving volume on one side, cleaned up her dish by the sink. They all have different characteristics but they get along so well like a trio.

"Hey, good morning~!" Marie smiled at my presence. I jumped from the sudden introduction feeling a little awkward now since she saw me peaking at them. I stepped forward showing myself fully to the three girls who were in the kitchen.

"Seems like someone slept in." Sabrina laughed. I chuckled, scratching the back of my nape. "Just feel like sleeping in that's all."

Sabrina walked up to me with a glass of water, serving me toast and scrambled eggs on the side. "There were leftover eggs, I'll give you something for that hangover." She smiled.

"I was wondering, who opened the door for you Marie?" Jocelyn questioned. I have also questioned it as well since we got back in the middle of the night. Maybe Sabrina carried her keys in her purse? Possibly.

"Well," Marie lead "I wasn't expecting to see your man Sabrina."

Sabrina turned pink in her cheek area, feeling embarrassed to know that her boyfriend saw her in those conditions last night. "What? I thought he wasn't coming home." She reddens even more. "He told me specifically that he had a meeting across town meaning he was coming back in the afternoon." She started to ramble about how her boyfriend probably lied to her as her face started to glow, brighter than her hair.

"Girl relax," Marie said fanning her to give small winds hitting her burning face. "But seriously Sabrina, you never told us how good-looking he was." She teased her.

"How does he look like?" Jocelyn swoon in the conversation with curiosity.

"Let me tell you, he's tall than I imagine." She said "And buff! Girl you found gold!" Marie pointed out. Sabrina chuckled at her compliments about her man. "I mean he wasn't as buff when I first saw him."

"How did you guys meet?" Jocelyn said.

"I actually met him at your wedding Y/n."

Both girls looked at me with their eyes shot open if I knew about this, but I don't. Trying to think of anyone from the wedding who were single or who recently broke up with someone, no one came to mind. Should I just play along or just straight up tell her who the hell this guy is?

"Oh really? How long have you guys been together?" I lift my eyebrow.

"Well we did talk from time to time but we officially started getting closer 3 years after the wedding. Long story short, we started dating a year later. Now here we are, we moved in as almost a two-year couple." She said summarizing their whole love story.

I wasn't expecting to have one of my bridesmaids falling for someone during my wedding. It's shocking but I'm happy for her. I then laugh it off, "I believe you should've been the one to catch the bouquet."

She smiled affectionately, "You're probably right."

• • •

Throughout the afternoon, we only talked while being outside sitting around the table they have. Sipping wine with a platter of fruits, crackers, and different options of thinly sliced cheese on a Saturday afternoon. It was already 3:28 pm, wondering if I should excuse myself from the group. I built up the courage and quickly got up from my seat. "Can I use the restroom real quick?" I placed a smile.

"It's down the hallway next to where the room you slept in."

I nodded in response walking back inside to find the restroom. The quietness in the house made me feel at ease even though it was only a few minutes before I head back outside. I looked around the place not knowing how big it was; the kitchen was connected with the living room, the one hallway leading to the guest room I slept in, a restroom, and another door I'm assuming it was Sabrina and her boyfriend's room. Then there's another door across the house, most likely opening up to the laundry room or garage.

I hummed seeing how beautiful this place is compared to mine, it's bigger and more luxurious. I walked over to the island table picking up my purse to get ready to leave. In the corner of my eye, I notice a small picture on top of the counter. I walked over to get a better look at it. I noticed it was Sabrina in a black dress with her hair curled. Slowly panning to the picture there was someone else with her. My eyes widen in shock.

There was a sound of keys jingling in the front door, unlocking it. The door fully opened widely getting my attention to someone's presence. We both immediately made eye contact making me stiff from what I was doing.

"No way." I thought

I couldn't believe it. The person Sabrina has been dating for almost 2 years is right in front of me.


She's been dating..?!!


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