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S E C R E T O  D E  A M O R | MO'H

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S E C R E T O  D E  A M O R | MO'H

"Is it worth fighting over?"

Chapter fourteen: ♡ ♡

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Y/n pov | Present day...

Throughout my days at home, I was either in bed doing nothing or like today, scavenging through papers for upcoming dates my boss put me up for at the last minute. I was supposed to go out later today with my co-workers for some sort of celebration for a promotion, but guess I have to get there a little later than I was hoping for.

I am okay to come in a little late or not even go at all; some of my familiar acquaintances will be there. It's not like they're a bother to me, but some things aren't even worth getting involved, like talking about someone I know. They don't know anything between us, but they don't need to poke their noses into my business. It has been getting on my nerves. Now, all I can't stop thinking about is his dumb face and his dumb name ever since the day Sabrina brought him up.

Miguel is just a man who does not deserve my attention whatsoever! He can choke on something for all I care. Miguel can literally... Miguel can literally... Miguel...


Swallowing my saliva hard down my throat, I was hoping the last words of my rage to come out playing in my mind, but it stopped mid-way. Instead, a memory was presented to me; a more recent one - the day he dropped me off home, Miguel being 3 centimeters away from my neck, breathing heavily as I was reaching in for my keys.

A shiver went through my spine as I cuffed one side of my cheek feeling it spark of fire forming.

Why the hell am I thinking about this all of a sudden? It happened 4 weeks ago.

I shook my head stopping my train of thought. Like I said, he doesn't deserve my attention, he doesn't deserve to look at me either. And that is final!!

*ringgg~* My phone buzzed around in my pocket. I grabbed it from behind as I looked at the name tag: Asshole (Boss).

I groaned in annoyance as I tapped the answer button. "Hello?" I hesitated to say.

"Y/n where are you with those papers!!! You haven't came into the office and I need those papers right now!!! I have a conference in a few minutes!" He yelled through the phone wanting an answer whether I found what he needed or not. In panic, I searched through my office room, going through each drawer. "Don't worry, I'm already on the road. I'll be there in a few."

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