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S E C R E T O  D E  A M O R | MO'H

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S E C R E T O  D E  A M O R | MO'H

"Let's see how long you can last."

Chapter twenty: ♡ ♡ ♡

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Y/n pov... 11:03 am

I was looking at the coffee machine, grinding the coffee beans as it takes its time to turn them into liquid. It was Tuesday, and it had been getting colder throughout the week. New York in the winter nearly hits 30°C - whether it snows or freezing air the whole day. The weather can be enjoyable but when I'm inside huddle up with my blanket and a cup of hot cocoa or perhaps coffee. All I know the holidays are coming up and break is around the corner.

As of right now, unfortunately, I'm stuck in the office building doing whatever work is on top of my desk right now. The only thing that has kept me up today is this coffee and the thoughts kicking down the door when it gets it chance to tell me all about him.

This feels so wrong in so many ways, it's Miguel for fuck sake! He is with Sabrina and she has been on my ass about me being around this guy. And I should still be upset with him, I am not letting this fucker go so easily.

But my thoughts are ruining those chances for me - leading me to remember the day he was in my house. Oh my god, I did let him go too easily. Fuck!!

The feeling of my cheeks lighting up is surreal. Just imagining him in the compressed shirt he wore that day: fully outlining his upper figure and his sleeves rolled up bringing attention to his forearm. My God. The thoughts are running a full loop around my mind, making my lower stomach do multiple twists and turns. But once I looked down, I saw my left hand holding onto an item that was wrapped around my ring finger, pulling me back into reality: my wedding ring.

The ring represents the life I had with Oscar and honoring our love from it. However, it also tells me I'm still a married woman. But the sudden feeling as I look at the ring does not sit right with me - feeling very unpleasant from it.

There was a *click* sound from the coffee machine, switching colors from red to green. I grabbed a cup from the stack next to the machine, prepping it with sugar and some creamer. Pouring the brew into the cup, I stirred it up into a light brown drink ready to be served. And finally, with the lid that has a small hole to sip from, I am ready to head back to my hell hole.

• • •
12:18 pm

The coffee is not helping at all.

I need the damn clock hit 12:30 so I can get the fuck out of here. I felt my heart racing rapidly from the coffee mixing in with the loud thoughts that had been running around all day. I want this to stop, this has been getting out of hand. My leg can't sit still as it moves under my desk restlessly as the hours have passed by with no work done. If I get out and breathe in Mother Nature's air, then maybe this feeling will go away. But this clock is taking its sweet ass time to do so. All I've been doing was dozing off and clicking away on my computer. Please universe let me get the hell out of here.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25 ⏰

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