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S E C R E T O  D E  A M O R | MO'H

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S E C R E T O D E A M O R | MO'H

"He isn't worth to cry over."

Chapter thirteen:  ♡ ♡

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6 years ago...
Miguel pov | 1-D before the wedding day

I was in the room with the groom and most of the groomsmen were involved in the wedding. They all chattered and filled the room with laughter whether it was about them or something else. Looking over at the soon-to-be husband, he didn't look nervous at all. Maybe it hasn't hit him yet; it is within less than 12 hours from now. I, however, feel like I could fall to the ground by now. Not for the groom, but knowing I will be seeing Y/n walking down the aisle marrying the man she chose to be with. Every time I think about it, I remind myself to support her and to be happy for her.

But inside, I can't take it. I can't stand seeing her be with another man. What else can I do? It was bound to happen.

"Hey Miggy! Want another glass?" A friend of Oscar's called out my name. They were practically passing being tipsy, holding a half-empty bottle of wine. Others were holding cans of beer and other drinks that didn't attract my attention. Holding my first glass of wine was enough for right now. Some were tipsy to nearly drunk, but Oscar was fine. He had been holding his second can of beer as he was watching his groomsmen get loose.

"Gracias, but no thanks. I'm good with this one." I took down their offer. Oscar looked at me from across the room, cocking his eyebrow. A friend of his let it slide, but seems like he didn't. Oscar walked towards me where I was leaning my back on the wall. Everyone continued their conversations as Oscar made his way to me, facing himself back to the groomsmen. A long awkward approach its way between us, feeling arise of some tension.

"Can't believe I'm getting married tomorrow. Crazy, right?" Oscar said taking a small sip out of his can.

I felt a small tug in my chest. Trying to bring down my saliva, I looked at him creeping a small smile. "It is crazy to believe, very excited for both of you."

"Really? Feels like you're not." He looked at me giving a slight smile. Almost coughing up my saliva, I looked at him surprised me what he said.

"What? I'm very excited. I'm not-" I explain myself but he cuts me off. Bursting out of laughter, he patted my back. "I'm just joking Miguel, you really don't know how to take a joke."

I let out a sigh of relief as I continued taking small sips off of my glass of wine. "But I'm excited to see her." He added. I looked at him, seeing his lips curved up revealing a small hole in the middle of his cheeks. As he was swirling around the can with his hand, he observed his friends and relatives that were chosen to be his groomsmen.

The room was just filled with men doing 'guy's stuff'; patting each other's backs when they tell something embarrassing, doing short but idiotic challenges, and mainly talking shit about their work or putting themselves in the center of how good their job is, there is nowhere in between. Some worked in offices, others worked in technical or architectural fields. But these people are either part of their family business or thrived to work under some other hustle. Oscar was someone who chose to work something other than being put in charge for something he didn't want to part take, like being under his father's company.

I get it, it does not sound appealing to think he has to assist to work under him. I don't know what relation he has with his father but it led him to choose working in the medical field.

"Hey Miguel, do you think I'll be a good husband?" Oscar asked. My head shot up, getting off of my train of thought. I looked at him confused. Why would he say that all of a sudden? He's been with Y/n for so long, and now he's asking if he's gonna be a good husband for her? She chose him for a reason.

"What makes you say that?" I questioned him. He then sighed, "I don't know, just have a feeling."

What? What the hell is he talking about? Does he think he's not worthy to marry his soon-to-be wife? For fuck sake, is this my destiny to object their wedding? If I had the guts to, then sure.

"¿Que pasa? ¿Te estas poniendo nervioso?"
("What happen? Are you getting nervous?")

"No, just think I'm not good for her." He replied. I ended up scoffing at his comment.

"She chose you for a reason Oscar. If I were you, I would be damn happy that I'm marrying the person I proposed to." I said. Oscar hummed as he took a small sip out of his can.

"I just don't understand what she sees in me."

My eyes furrowed trying to comprehend what he meant by that. "Hold on, you dated her, asked her to be your girlfriend, proposed to her, she said yes, soon moving in together, and tomorrow you're going to get married with her. And you're saying why she has chosen you? Aye dios mio (oh my god) I could go on why Y/n thinks you're a good fit to be a husband," I remarked as I was rubbing my forehead.

He then chuckled at my response, "How can she be with someone like me though?" He swirled around his half-empty can.

"Not everyone is perfect, we have flaws you know. She'll love them either way." I patted his back. He then looked at me, having us look at each other for a moment. His eyes were full of emotions mixing around as they formed a glistening look. "Even if it's a mistake?"

My breath hitched in my throat. Seeing his eyes redden little by little, I don't know how to react to it even to his question. But all I could do was comfort him, right? That's what he needs.

"Even if it's a mistake," I responded. "Now, let's take that drink away, we need you to be well for tomorrow morning." I took away his beverage while I was rubbing his back, escorting him to his bed. He was feeling tipsy, nothing new. But the look he gave me told me otherwise.

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