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S E C R E T O  D E  A M O R | MO'H

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S E C R E T O D E A M O R | MO'H

"You make me crazy, mi reina."

Chapter eighteen:  ♡ ♡ ♡

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Everything was going pretty well between us unlike when we first met. He seems to enjoy every minute with me. It felt nice. But on my end, I don't know what I'm feeling. I don't know if I regret having him stay longer.

We were sitting on the carpet floor in the living room talking about what we had done over the years. He has explained to me that he used to work in multiple positions in a company and is now in analytical management. He didn't necessarily go into detail about what company he has been working under, but he has been looking for a side hustle to keep himself busy.

From all that, I was only able to pay attention to a few things about him: he goes to the gym (obviously), is an analytical manager, enjoys going to intimate coffee shops, and follows with his other traits. Other than that, I was not necessarily paying attention to him, I was mesmerized. Something about him today is different but what? He's wearing the clothes from yesterday and is practically a mess. But god, what's so different about him?

"I know you're not listening to me Y/n," Miguel said directly at me.

I was startled knowing he saw through me what I had been doing. "What? Yes, I was." I lied.

"Oh yeah? What did I say?"

I hesitated to answer cause of course I didn't know what he said.

"Ay por dios (oh my god), what am I going to do with you?" He leaned back, hitting his back on the couch. He gave some thought to it then looked back at me, grinning ear to ear. "How about we get rid of this tension we have right now."

Tension? There's tension around us?

Miguel slowly leans towards me, parting his lips and finding a direct target. I scooted myself away from what was about to go down, but he kept crawling his way to me.

"M-Miguel, what do you think you're doing?" I said.

"Like I told you, I'm gonna get rid of this tension."

My back bumped into a single couch. I looked back at Miguel seeing him crawling on top of me. His eyes weren't anywhere to a coffee color, it had gotten to a darker color unable to see his pupils, holding with a hint of red. As he was on top of me, our skin was close to touching, making my stomach do a couple of twists and turns.

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