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S E C R E T O  D E  A M O R | MO'H

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S E C R E T O D E A M O R | MO'H

"Te amo muchísimo cariño."

Chapter ten:  ♡ ♡

• • •
Miguel pov...

The gym was compacted by machines and people exercising to train people. The smell of sweat linger in the air but the AC fights it off for a 'breathable environment.' But as for me, I had my headphones on playing music but I'm able to hear people chatter and the music that is playing in the gym's speaker.

"Oye Miguel, someone asked for you." I looked over at the employee who I see and became close to while my time here. I threw in a few punches to the dummy before heading out. I grabbed my towel and bag from the bench as I removed my headphones off my ears down to dangling around my neck. I walked towards the counter where my visitor would be at. Patting my sweat running down my face with my towel, I smirked seeing who it was.

"What brings you here?" I said.

"Can I not visit my boyfriend?" Sabrina crossed her arms by her chest. I sighed leading myself out the door. Sabrina followed me to the parking lot where I left my car and seems like she parked right next to it. I put my bag on top of the trunk, then leaned back on the car having my arms and legs crossed. Looking at Sabrina's outfit and what she was wearing, she may have barely come out of work or for a break.

"You usually stop by to get something out of me?" I raised my eyebrow. "What do you want?" She rolled her eyes, scoffing at me.

"What makes you think I only came down here for that? I just want to go eat lunch with my boyfriend." She pressed her body onto mine having her two fingers walking up to my neck. I leaned back away from her. "I have to get home right now, I have work later today."

Sabrina stepped back from me pouting in disappointment. "We never get the chance to go out Miguel. It's like we aren't even dating anymore."

I looked at her and then sighed. I don't know how I feel about the relationship we have. We talked, went on a few dates, and moved in but never got intimate besides the kissing. She is an attractive person but some things have made me distance myself from her. I have been so caught up with a pile of thoughts building it's way to the top. Most of them were about her.

I chose to push her away rather than be with her. But during those years, how should the man who was seen to be praised and get an ounce of desperation and tears coming out from anyone's eyes, especially from hers?

I grabbed my bag from the top trunk searching for my key. "My apologies amor but there are some things I need to do."

"It's about Y/n, isn't it?" She brought up.

I held onto my keys in my gym bag, looking at her being taken aback. "What makes you say it's about her?"

"Ever since you came back home from dropping her off, you look like you're wandering off in your thoughts again." Her eyes drooped, "I know something is up Miguel. And I know you two had some sort of history, you knew the husband and the bride." She added.

The bride. The bride was an interesting but unique figure when I first laid my eyes on her. However, she was picked up with gentle care but was left alone by someone who couldn't admire her beauty. Unfortunately, I was not the one who picked her up, just admired from afar.

"I'll make it up to you, how about we get some dessert later?" I offered. She didn't respond. "It will be at the dine in you've been talking about." I added. Sabrina thought about it and then nodded. "Fine, but you're paying."

I rolled my eyes, "Yeah yeah." I pecked a kiss on her forehead, "I'll see you later." I then walked off to get inside my car. Sabrina walked to her car next to mine, bending to the level of the passenger's window, she waved bye to me having me wave back at her. Turning on the engine, and buckling in, I drove out of the parking to wherever route I'm taking to go back home.

Having one hand controlling the wheel the other has it resting my chin on my palm, being supported by my elbow on top near the driver's window.

Even though what Sabrina said may be true, I just can't stop thinking about her. I was worried about her, she was left alone. Though I will not stand by forgiving anything from Oscar, I should've been there whether it was about him or not.

My thoughts wandered through from the past to what happened a couple of days of go; when I first saw her in front of the door in the middle of the night. Opening the door to see Marie holding onto Sabrina tightly around her hips, I brought her inside as she brought her other friend Jocelyn in. Once Marie told me there was one more in the car, I walked to the front and saw her there, Y/n was in deep sleep but there was a strong smell of liquor and a hint of vomit.

Looking at her sleeping peacefully had me struggle to even gather the strength to carry her, feeling all the guilt gather in me wondering if I should be allowed to see her or even hold her. I couldn't do it, I had Marie tuck her in while I grab extra blankets for her and Jocelyn.

Then the next day: seeing her eye to eye. Even though she was and still is pissed off with me, she was intimidating but it was reasonable for her to glare at me. Even during the car ride, I wasn't expecting us to talk but I wanted to start something with her.

The more I think about the situation we had, the more I start to believe I was such an idiot for doing that to her, having my arm stretch out away from her as I was holding onto her keys, and Y/n came halfway inside the car. It had us in an awkward position and a moment to adjust the atmosphere I have created. My face was near the side of her neck and if I looked down, I was able to see a small glimpse at her chest more of an outline.


I removed my hand away from my chin to now covering my mouth from the embarrassment I'm having. I felt my face start to sprout a fire sensation from my cheeks to the edge of my ears. Blushing to the image suddenly became the main thing in my head. I can't stop thinking about her. God Y/n, if only este pinche cabrone (that fucking bastard) didn't get out of my way.

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a/n: can't lie to you, out of all the chapters i've wrote so far, this one. this one pov of miguel is muah ₍ᐢ. ̫.ᐢ₎ !! very proud of myself, had a lightbulb moment when i wrote this while i was scratching out the original chapter lol!

secreto de amor || miguel o'haraOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant