Chapter 10 Ash's POV

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Have you ever tried not sleeping all night, then trying to go to school? Let me tell you, it's a nightmare. I'm surprised I even got to go. I had to have a nuclear war with Adagio.

"You are not going to school."

"Yes I am."

"You nearly died an uncountable amount of times!"

"Which is why it makes more sense for you to watch me instead of leaving me in a house alone." I pleaded.

"No. The house is safe."

"Are you doubting your abilities to take care of me?"


"Sure, I'll just sneak out. Either you take me with you...or I go alone."

Adagio looked so mad I thought she would burst. Aria shrugged. "She's getting older."

Adagio groaned. "On one condition."

I blinked. "Any."

"If anybody asks, tell them we...lost our necklaces."

I crossed my arms. "That's lying."

Adagio had already left for school, so she didn't hear me.

(Time skip)

All four of us stood behind the stage, ready to perform in the quarter finals. I reached to touch my necklace, then remembered it was gone. It felt creepy to think there was a gem inside of me. 

Adagio stepped on stage with us.

"Whoa, whoa, you didn't know that you fell,

Whoa, whoa, now that you're under our spell. 

Blind sighted by the beat,

 you didn't know that you fell,

Whoa whoa,"

The place where my necklace used to be glowed red. My heart pounded.

"Put your hands up to sky! 

Whoa, whoa

You didn't know that you fell

We say jump you say how high, 

Put your hands up to the sky! 

We've got the music makes you move it,

Got the song that makes you lose it,

We say jump you say how high,

Put your hands up to the sky!"

I felt like I was buzzing with energy when we finally finished the song. Aria stretched. 

"That was fun and all, but we still need the Equestrian magic." Aria noted.

Adagio shook her head. "Just be patient. The Rain Booms are going on now. Let's find our seats."

The view from the top of the gym was awesome. I could see the Rain Booms as if they were right in front of me. 

"We've just got the day, 

To get ready,

And there's only so much time to lose,

Because tonight,

Yeah we're gonna party,

So let's think of something fun to do,"

Sonata looked like she was enjoying their song and Aria glared at her. I liked their song, but I personally thought we were better singers. Adagio looked bored and yawned. 

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