Note from the Author

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Hi! This story is not discontinued, and I only have one excuse for why I didn't update recently: laziness. Yes, I know, and I'm sorry I was so lazy, but I did also start to lose inspiration, and I had to watch Rainbow Rocks a few times to get myself motivated again. Also, I wanted to add that when I said Ash is an element of harmony, selflessness, I don't mean that she didn't care about herself at all. I was trying to say that friendship needs you to care about the person (or pony) you're friends with. I know that's a bit close to kindness, but kindness is being nice to someone. Anyhow, I know not everyone will like my story, so feel free to comment any criticism or anything you think I'm doing wrong. I'm not a professional writer after all, but I'm always happy to hear your opinions. Once again, thanks for taking the time to choose to read my story!

XD Watermelon. 

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