Unraveling youth

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"Izuku Midoriya, a young man with vibrant hair and shimmering green eyes, had always dreamed of becoming a hero. But fate dealt him a cruel hand—he was born without a quirk in a world where superpowers were the norm. Undeterred, Izuku shifted his aspirations towards helping others as a police officer. Amidst his relentless pursuit of good grades to enter the top police academy, he encountered a man driven by similar goals. At just fifteen years old, Izuku fell in love, craving the positive attention he had longed for. He became obsessed.with his 19 year old pursuer, but he knew he couldn't tell anyone.

"As the weight of his secret infatuation grew, Izuku found himself gradually distancing from the things that once brought him joy and purpose. Schoolwork, once a source of determination and excitement, became a burden he could no longer bear. The pages of his textbooks blurred together, the words losing their meaning as his mind wandered to thoughts of his older pursuer.

His dreams of becoming a hero, once a beacon of hope and inspiration, began to fade into the background. The fire that had burned within him, fueled by his unwavering belief in justice and the desire to protect others, flickered and dimmed. The constant presence of Dabi in his thoughts overshadowed his aspirations, leaving him feeling lost and disconnected from his true calling.

Izuku's once meticulous notes and study habits gave way to half-hearted attempts and missed assignments. The drive to excel, to prove himself capable despite his lack of a quirk, waned as his focus shifted towards the intoxicating allure of Dabi's attention. The pursuit of academic success, once a means to achieve his dreams, now seemed insignificant compared to the rush of emotions he experienced in Dabi's presence.

As his grades slipped and his dreams faded, Izuku's friends and classmates began to notice the change. The once eager and enthusiastic student became distant and withdrawn, his once bright eyes now clouded with a mixture of longing and confusion. His interactions with others became strained, his mind preoccupied with thoughts of Dabi, leaving little room for genuine connections.

His friends, concerned for his well-being, attempted to reach out, to understand the source of his sudden detachment. But Izuku, caught in the grip of his infatuation and the fear of judgment, pushed them away. He built walls around himself, shutting out those who cared for him, convinced that they wouldn't understand the complexities of his emotions.

Izukus mother was becoming more aware that something was wrong. Inko, his kind and loving mother, noticed the change in her son's behavior and became increasingly worried. She tried to reach out, to understand what was troubling him, but Izuku remained tight-lipped, unable to articulate the turmoil within him.

The tension between mother and son escalated, their once warm and nurturing relationship strained by frustration and misunderstanding. Inko's worry for Izuku's well-being clashed with his stubborn refusal to confide in her. Their arguments became more frequent, leaving both of them feeling helpless and hurt.she's was completely lost in how to help.

Meanwhile, Izuku's childhood friend, Bakugo, who had turned into a relentless bully, began to notice subtle changes in Izuku's behavior. He caught glimpses of Izuku's distant gaze and witnessed moments of hesitation in his usually determined stride. Though Bakugo had always been harsh and dismissive towards Izuku, a flicker of concern started to stir within him. Deep down, he couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss with his former friend."

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